9–10 Sept 2019
Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Informatiche e Matematiche, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Europe/Rome timezone

A worldline quantization approach to higher spin theories

10 Sept 2019, 16:30


Stefano Giaccari (Holon Institute of Technology)


Using the effective action method, we investigate the higher spin actions in flat spacetime that can be obtained by integrating out a fermion field coupled to external higher spin source fields. In particular, an approach based on worldline quantization allows to identify the gauge symmetry of these models and to find the L_infinity structure that characterizes many (classical) field theories, including closed string field theory. This structure is also found to be consistent with a Yang-Mills-like model, where a limited amount of non-locality plays a crucial role in granting the absence of ghosts at perturbative level.

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