17–18 Sept 2019
NH Collection Grand Sablon
Europe/Rome timezone

Upload your presentation

Please note that you need an INFN Indico external account to upload your presentation.

You should have received an automatic email from Rossana Chiaratti (subject "2nd AMICI-INDUSTRY FORUM: User account creation required") inviting you to create your profile in the INFN Indico database. If you haven't not registered yet, please check in your mail box and follow the instructions in order to obtain it.

Once you have the INFN Indico external account:

  • Please make sure you are "Logged in" (top right corner);
  • Click on the menu on Contribution List and then click on your presentation title
  • Click on the "pencil" next to Presentation Materials.
  • In Manage Material, select Upload files
  • Click on "browse" to look for and upload your presentation (preferably in pdf format) and then click on Upload at the bottom of the window.

If you run into a problem, please send your presentation to rossana.chiaratti@pd.infn.it and she will upload it for you.

NOTE: The projector used for the presentations supports both fullscreen (4:3) and widescreen (16:9) but the 16:9 format is preferable.