Anthony Gleeson
17/09/2019, 14:20
Steffen Grohmann
17/09/2019, 14:45
Pasquale Fabbricatore
17/09/2019, 15:00
Sörne Möller
17/09/2019, 15:15
Donna Pittaway
17/09/2019, 15:30
Antonio Falone
17/09/2019, 15:45
17/09/2019, 16:00
Jean-Luc Lancelot
17/09/2019, 17:00
Michael Gehring
(Bilfinger Noell GmbH)
17/09/2019, 17:10
Imran Tahir
(Teledyne E2V)
17/09/2019, 17:30
Serge Sierra
(THALES Electron Devices SAS)
17/09/2019, 17:50
Giuseppe Lamanna
(Strumenti Scientifici Cinel srl)
17/09/2019, 18:10
17/09/2019, 18:30
Adam Tyson
(Head of Research and Industrial Infrastructure -European Commission)
18/09/2019, 09:00
Akira Yamamoto
18/09/2019, 09:30
Andrew Hutton
18/09/2019, 09:55
Pantaleo Raimondi
(ESRF - The European Synchrotron)
18/09/2019, 10:20
Juan Knaster
18/09/2019, 10:45
Mats Lindroos
(European Spallation Source ERIC)
18/09/2019, 11:40
Jacobus Maarten Schippers
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
18/09/2019, 12:05
Melhem Ziad
(Oxford Instruments)
18/09/2019, 12:25
Olivier Napoly
18/09/2019, 14:00
Tord Ekelöf
(Uppsala University)
18/09/2019, 14:20
Sylvie Leray
(CEA Saclay)
18/09/2019, 14:40
Josef Troxler
18/09/2019, 15:00
Isabelle Schuster
18/09/2019, 15:20