May 28 – 29, 2019
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Europe/Rome timezone

As announced in Milan during the Meeting on "CMB ground based experiments", we will have the 5th ASI/COSMOS Workshop on “LambdaCDM” in Tor Vergata from the 28th to the 29th of May. Please save the date.

The Workshop will concentrate on the current status of the Concordance Model on the light of the most recent data-set. The focus will be both on theory and data analysis, to discuss the various tensions and anomalies of the model.

Your attendance at the meeting and your participation in the discussion will be very much appreciated. If, as we hope, you intend to join, please register as soon as possible: we need an accurate estimate of the number of participants to organize coffee breaks and lunches.

Feel free to circulate this message to the interested colleagues and fellows.

SOC: Carlo Baccigalupi, Paolo Natoli, Sabino Matarrese, Nicola Vittorio
LOC: Marina Migliaccio, Sandeep Balakrishna Haridasu, Javier Carron Duque, Giordano Amicucci

University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Aula Magna "Gismondi"
Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, 00133, Rome