3:00 PM
Multimessenger Parameter Estimation of GW170817: From Jet Structure to the Hubble Constant
Hao Wang
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University)
3:20 PM
Simulating the recollimation shocks, instabilities and particle acceleration in relativistic jets
Agnese Costa
(INAF - OA Brera, Università degli Studi dell'Insubria)
3:40 PM
Using low frequency scatter broadening measurements for precision estimates of DM and its implications on GW detection using PTAs
Jaikhomba Singha
(Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
4:00 PM
Towards experimental study of compact binary ejecta opacity relevant for kilonova transient signals
Angelo Pidatella
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud)
4:50 PM
Stability of hypermassive neutron stars against a prompt collapse
Paweł Szewczyk
5:10 PM
A phenomenological inspiral-merger-postmerger gravitational waveform model for binary neutron star coalescence
Anna Puecher
5:30 PM
Novel cosmological bounds on thermally-produced axion-like particles
Luca Caloni
(University of Ferrara)
5:50 PM
DEMNUni: CMB-galaxy cross-correlation in the presence of massive neutrinos
Viviana Cuozzo
5:55 PM
Testing the cosmological principle with the CMASS galaxy sample
Chan-Gyung Park
(Division of Science Education, Jeonbuk National University)