The fee is 110 euros and it covers coffee breaks and social dinner. For people not attending the social dinner, the fee is 60 euros.
The payment method is different for INFN associates and non-INFN:
INFN associates: the payament of the registration fee will be perfomed internally between INFN branches (storno tra sezioni)
non-INFN associates: the payment of the registration fee MUST be paid by bank transfer to the bank account:
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
bic swift-code: UNCRITM1385
IBAN: IT40R0200839105000102577572
Please indicate your name and participation to the CUORE general meeting in the reason of payment.
In case of necessity it will be also possible to pay cash directly at the meeting during the afternoon of May 13th
For non-INFN associates: please have a look at the following old receipt. The one given to you will be similar (of course with the right amount). In case of problems let us know before the start of the meeting