Background experience and theory innovations for LHC physics
Prof.Anastasiou Charalampos(ETH Zurich)
Aula S
Aula S
(Theory Colloquium)
The LHC is a unique opportunity for mankind in our times to make new discoveries in fundamental physics. After decades of experimentation and
painstaking advances in theory we are very confident on our abilities to turn a Lagrangian and Feynman rules into precise predictions for production rates at colliders.
The start of the LHC coincides with a theory revolution in computational methods. These will have a
dramatic impact on simulating precisely a plethora of challenging LHC signatures. I will describe the
status of theory for collider experiments and the new methods which have emerged in recent years at the forefront of precision particle physics phenomenology. Finally, I will review how these new methods help us to probe puzzling dualities
of gauge field theories and string theories.