3–8 Jun 2019
Europe/Rome timezone
WIN2019. The 27th International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos.

Speakers instructions

Contributions for Parallel Sessions

Parallel Sessions


23-minute presentation, include 3 minutes for questions, unless otherwise agreed. Please prepare a 20 minute presentations, and leave room for the 3 minute question session.

30-minute presentation, include 3 minutes for questions, unless otherwise agreed. Please prepare a 27 minute presentations, and leave room for the 3 minute question session.

Submission and Presentation Procedures

Presentations  must be submitted by the speakers the day before the session in one of the following formats:

  • Microsoft Powerpoint;
  • PDF;

Presentations must be uploaded directly into the Indico site.. Every speaker can upload contributions in "My abstract" section of their profile, or directly from the timetable. To do that speakers should:

  • login in the Indico site;
  • click on "Call for Abstracts" link in the left panel navigation menu;
  • select the contribution at the end of the "Call for Abstracts" session in the "My abstract" list;
  • once selected, follow the link "Go to contribution" , just the line after the contribution title;
  • in the contribution page, click on the pencil icon, on the "Presentation Materials" line;

The contribution page can also be reached from the timetable. To do that speakers should:

  • login in the Indico site;
  • click on "Timetable" link in the left panel navigation menu;
  • left-click the session contribution has been scheduled into;
  • left-click the menu icon, on the "Session" line of the pup-up panel;
  • left-click on the contribution;
  • left-click the menu icon, on the title line of the pup-up panel;
  • in the contribution page, click on the pencil icon, on the "Presentation Materials" line;


A computer will be available in each meeting room which will be used for the presentation.