May 6 – 10, 2019
Arcetri, Firenze
Europe/Rome timezone

Crossing symmetry in superstring theory

May 10, 2019, 11:00 AM
A (Arcetri, Firenze)


Arcetri, Firenze

Galileo Galilei Institute


Harold Erbin


We prove crossing symmetry of superstring amplitudes to all orders in
perturbation theory. This is achieved by showing that the Green
functions are analytic in a specific region of the complex momentum
space ("primitive domain") and making use of results from Bros, Epstein
and Glaser. The original derivation relies on locality and causality of
the underlying QFT in position space: since this representation is not
available in string theory due to the non-locality of the interactions,
analyticity is obtained directly in momentum space. By reversing the
argument, this teaches important facts on the nature of the QFT
describing string theory.

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