11–12 Apr 2019
Marina Resort
Europe/Rome timezone

ET: An assessment of the economic impact

11 Apr 2019, 17:40
Marina Resort

Marina Resort

Via del Mare s.n.c., 08028 OROSEI NU, Sardegna, Italia
Talk Worldwide scenario and ET Organisation Top-Down discussion


Prof. Luca Deidda (UNISS)


We develop a systematic analysis of the sources of economic impact associated with construction and operating phases of the ET research infrastructure. Specifically, based on a I-O technique we evaluate the direct and induced impact of ET in terms of total output, value added and employment effects. We also briefly discuss and analyse other types of impact including so called social effects.

Primary authors

Prof. Bianca Biagi (UNISS) Mr Leonardo Vargiu (UNISS) Prof. Gianfranco Atzeni Prof. Luca Deidda (UNISS)

Presentation materials

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