Nuove Tecnologie Hardware: Nuove Tecnologie Hardware
- Michele Michelotto (PD)
- Alessandro Brunengo (GE)
- Andrea Chierici (CNAF)
Nuove Tecnologie Hardware: Nuove Tecnologie Hardware
- Michele Michelotto (PD)
- Alessandro Brunengo (GE)
- Andrea Chierici (CNAF)
Technology tracking C3S working group: status report
Tech-Watch HEPiX working group: tecnology update sulla evoluzione di server e CPU
Tech-Watch HEPiX working group: tecnology update sulla evoluzione dello storage
Update sulle attivita' del working group di Benchmarking di HEPiX
Resoconto dell'ultimo workshop di HEPiX tenutosi al San Diego Supercomputer Center
25-29 marzo 2019
L'espansione del mondo IOT ha determinato l'evoluzione di sistemi SoC o SBC a basso costo, che attualmente raggiungono prestazioni tali da poterli valutare come sostituti dei sistemi tradizionali per lo svolgimento di specifici compiti.
Come esempio, la presentazione mostra i test e la messa in produzione di sistemi a basso costo, basati su CPU ARM o Intel, per la realizzazione dei seguenti...
Lustre is the de-facto Storage solution in HPC, several Top 500 sites including NERSC, LLNL,ORNL are using or consider to deploy it over new storage hardware technologies such as fast NVMe SSD, 3D Xpoint SSD or proprietary Burst Buffers solutions. During my staying at SLAC for 3 years I deployed a High performance storage solution based on Lustre/ZFS for the US DoE LCLS project, which is the...
This presentation will provide a view on the status of new 400G switches and optics, quickly explaining the merchant silicon trends and moving to the optics market analysis and the trends which have leveraged the new 400G. The last part will cover the available optics/switches today along with the key features and what to expect for the near future.
The CMS experiment has been designed with a two-level trigger system: the L1 Trigger, hardware based, and the High Level Trigger (HLT), a streamlined version of the CMS event reconstruction software running on a computer farm. During its “Phase 2” the LHC will reach a luminosity of $7\times 10^{34}\,cm^{-2}s^{-1}$, with an average of 200 simultaneous collisions (pile-up), and the L1 output...