8–10 Apr 2019
Europe/Rome timezone

The TES bolometric instrument of LSPE

8 Apr 2019, 19:03
Poster Poster


Prof. Flavio Flavio Gatti


Detecting B-mode polarization at large angular scales of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is one of the main challenges in modern observational Cosmology. Superconducting TES Bolometers are a suitable detector choice to meet the 10 aW/Hz$^{0.5}$ NEP requirement.
We present the development status of large area spider-web bolometers and SQUID FDM readout instrument for the LSPE-SWIPE balloon borne telescope. The bolometers have a 10 mm diameter Si$_3$N$_4$ membrane with a mesh size of 250 μm suspended with a thin leg structure. The TES sensor is a Ti/Au bilayer with Tc tuned in the 500-550 mK range, thermally coupled to a Bi/Au microwave absorber. About 330 bolometers will be biased at constant voltage and readout SQUID current amplifiers with low noise front-end JFET amplifier. A dedicated 16-cannel Frequency Domain Multiplexing readout electronics provide a comb of MHz carrier frequencies. Signal demodulation, on board signal digitization and pre-analysis and overall control of the bolometric instrument will be performed by the FPGA acquisition board.

Primary author

Prof. Flavio Flavio Gatti


Alessandro Massimo Baldini (PI) Andrea Tartari (PI) Beatrice Siri (GE) Daniele Grosso (GE) Davide Vaccaro (SI) Donato Nicolo' (PI) Elia Stefano Battistelli (ROMA1) Fabio Columbro (ROMA1) Fabrizio Cei (PI) Francesco Piacentini (ROMA1) Franco Spinella (PI) Giovanni Gallucci (GE) Giovanni Signorelli (PI) Dr Lorenzo Ferrari Barusso (INFN Genova) Luca Galli (PI) Luca Lamagna (ROMA1) Marco Grassi Michele Biasotti (GE) Paolo De Bernardis (ROMA1) Silvia Masi (ROMA1)

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