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This work presents initial results of the development of a Phase Contrast Imaging (PCI) diagnostic operating with a probe wavelength of 1.55 µm. While worldwide PCI systems use a 10.6 µm probe laser to relax technical constraints on the interferometric measurement, this reduced wavelength would permit new capabilities...
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Phase-space tomography is an established technique for inferring physical properties (namely temperature, density and drift velocity) of thermal species in fusion plasmas. Consistent efforts have already been made to extend those techniques to fast ions generated by fusion reactions or auxiliary heating in order to...
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Tokamak COMPASS Upgrade will be a high-field high-density fusion experiment aimed also at investigation of advanced divertor scenarios. One of proposed diagnostic systems is based on time-proven technique of Langmuir probe measurements. However, to operate these probes in the harsh environment of such machine, specific...
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Lithium is the most promising liquid metal, considered as potential for plasma-facing elements. It was experimentally shown, that the use of lithium in tokamaks increases plasma confinement time, decreases the amount of impurities in the plasma, and decreases hydrogen recycling on the plasma facing components. Experiments...
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The estimation of 2D plasma emission profile via tomographic reconstruction inherits the ill-posed inversion characteristic and is constrained by the limited number of plasma observations sights/directions. Such complex estimation is carried out by special mathematical treatments like the series expansion method....
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Predictive modeling of passive signal of tokamak edge plasma charge-exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS) diagnostics remains a problem because of the necessity to combine solutions of theoretical problems, which need sophisticated numerical modeling. This includes: (i) modeling of the SOL(+divertor) plasma with...
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Filamentary-like plasma perturbations are routinely observed in many tokamaks. They are the result of non-linear development of some peripheral MHD instabilities in the region of the maximum plasma pressure gradient [1]. As soon as filaments can play a key role in the anomalous transport of particles and energy at plasma...
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A detailed characterization of flows, density and temperature profiles is necessary to shed light on transport in magnetically confined fusion devices. The most common technique to measure these profiles is Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS). The CXRS systems are usually located at the low field side but...
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Helium is widely used in laboratory fusion experiments both as a fuel, for example in the first phase of ITER, as a minority gas for some RF heating schemes and will occur as ash from the thermonuclear reactions. In order to make reliable predictions for future devices and analyse discharges produced in ITER's non-nuclear...
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Mitigating head load on the divertor target is considered as one of the critical challenges to achieve a commercial fusion reactor. Fortunately, both density and temperature at the divertor target can be reduced significantly through a process called "detachment", leading to tolerable heat flux. However, our current...
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Understanding turbulence and anomalous transport in tokamaks remains an important open issue in plasma physics for fusion devices. A prominent feature of turbulence in the Scrape Off Layer (SOL) region are blobs, coherent filamentary plasma structures that drift across the magnetic field lines at high velocities (~km/s)...
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Fluctuation beam emission spectroscopy (BES) is an active plasma diagnostic used for density measurements which has sufficient spatial and temporal resolution for the study of turbulent density fluctuations and associated flows. A high energy neutral beam consisting of hydrogen isotopes or light alkali metal atoms is shot...
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Low frequency waves turbulence developing in magnetized plasma columns are well known to trigger important radial transport, a major issue for fusion devices [1]. We present here analysis from very fast imaging of low frequency waves in a magnetically confined plasma column, as well as concomitant measures of radial...
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Globus-M2 [1] is a new generation one-Tesla compact spherical tokamak with two 1 MW neutral beam injectors and 0.5 MW ion cyclotron resonance heating system. Additionally Globus-M2 is equipped with a set of new diagnostics, suitable for fast ion studies, including scanning two-neutral particle analyzer system, neutron...
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Reliable and quantitative modelling of the behaviour of fast ions is an essential step in the ITER scenario development because of their important contribution to the plasma energy balance. The fast ion distribution strongly depends on various factors, in particular, on plasma MHD activity and on sources of plasma heating...
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A newly installed 1 MW 25 keV NBI (2016) combined with the ECH-ECCD system allow the TCV machine [1] to join the on-going worldwide (DIII-D, AUG, TJ-II, etc.) research for studying wave fast ion interaction phenomena of interest for burning plasmas, an important point for ITER and DEMO. Alfvén modes were observed on the...
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Fast ions play an important role in the heating of Tokamak plasmas, e.g. by NBI (Neutral Beam Injection) and other sources. Numerical particle trackers are employed to simulate huge numbers (often of the order of millions) of trajectories of fast ions in Tokamaks. Such simulations can require high numerical accuracy and...
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The dependence of equilibrium properties obtained by the EFIT Grad-Shafranov equation solver on constraining input data was studied. Following sets of constraining data were supplied to EFIT: (i) minimal input (16 internal partial Rogowski coils), (ii) optimized minimal input (16 internal partial Rogowski coils with...
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The equilibrium solution of the GradShafranov equation in the form of the 2D function of psi and of the F() = R Btor function and the pressure p() profile offers fundamental information about the tokamak plasma state. The combination of these functions provides complex information about the plasma such as the topology,...
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RFX-mod is a Reversed Field Pinch device that allowed performing experiments in regimes with a plasma current up to 2 MA. Due to its low value of the safety factor (q<<1) and the central peaking of current density, the RFP is characterized by the presence of MHD modes that, in RFX-mod, are controlled by a combination of a...
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Zonal flows (ZF) are low-frequency, predominantly electrostatic plasma oscillations ( is the poloidal wave-number, is the toroidal wave-number) widely
observed in modern toroidal magnetic plasma confinement systems, such as tokamaks and stellarators [1]. It is believed that ZFs are able to regulate the level of anomalous...
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Determination of vessel currents magnitudes and distribution plays crucial role in understanding of mechanical loads on the machine [1]. Asymmetrical disruptions are of particular concern because they possibly cause severe asymmetric electromagnetic loads [2, 3]. For the first time plasma current asymmetries are compared...
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Magnetic plasma confinement systems with conductors embedded into plasma is an important class of magnetic traps with high beta, known as Galateas [1], alternative to the mainstream toroidal system designs. As summarized in [2], Galateas are widely diversified and it provides additional reason to consider them, unlike...
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The Spherical Torus (ST) is a promising candidate for an advanced fusion reactor due to the compactness. Elimination of the central solenoid coil to allow an approach to lower aspect ratio configurations requires for the non-inductive plasma start-up. The transient coaxial helicity injection (T-CHI) is a leading...
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Single and compound helicity tearing mode (TM) responses to a rotating 3D resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP), in the presence of a static error field (EF), have been observed in the partially penetrated regime [1] of the TM unlocking bifurcation process [2] in DIII-D experiments. This regime has been proposed as a stable...
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The massive injection of material into a tokamak is a technique considered for disruption mitigation. Presently, several shattered pellet injectors (SPIs) [1] are foreseen for the ITER disruption mitigation system. According to reference [2], the assimilation of 14 kPam3 of deuterium fully prevents the conversion of...
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In tokamak-reactor, such as ITER, the generation of runaway electrons (RE) is unacceptable. Disruption Mitigation System (DMS) designed in ITER should be a reliable tool for suppression of RE and mitigate other detrimental consequences of disruptions. Elaboration of the RE database and its comprehensive analysis should...
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Theoretical and experimental considerations [1] suggest that axisymmetric perturbations that are resonant at the X-point(s) of a magnetic divertor separatrix may play a role for the understanding of ELMs and their active control via "vertical kicks" [2] in tokamaks.
We present the first step in the development of an...
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It is well known that the ideal MHD cannot describe the resistive wall mode (RWM) dynamics in the DIII-D tokamak [1, 2]. This is true, in particular, with respect to the rotational stabilization [1] that makes plasma stable essentially above the no-wall stability limit predicted by the ideal MHD. The uncertainty in the...
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In this study, we analyzed current quenches in 3 types of DIII-D disruptions (low-q, error field and shell pellet injection) to investigate the determination mechanism responsible for the initial phase of current quench in DIII-D tokamak. Disruptions are one of the most critical issues for realization of DEMO reactor....
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Nonlinear dynamics of plasma termination events in stellarators are studied using a 3D nonlinear MHD simulation code. In this study, two types of plasma termination events, which are MHD instabilities driven by the pressure gradient and plasma current, are studied, respectively. In the Large Helical Device (LHD)...
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One of the major threats for the integrity of future fusion devices are disruptions [1], i.e. events during which the plasma energy content is lost on a very fast time scale and can be released under various forms to the structures circumventing the plasma. Consequently, significant heat
loads, particle loads,...
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Geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs) of a global character are frequently observed in tokamak plasmas. While many aspects of GAMs require a kinetic treatment, the MHD model offers a suitable framework for analytically studying various global aspects of these modes, including higher-order effects of plasma shaping, plasma flows,...
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Energetic electrons, which are foreseen to be produced during disruptions in ITER, represent a potentially dangerous threat for plasma facing components [1]. Therefore, behaviour of runaway electron (RE) beams has been studied at the COMPASS tokamak in the frame of dedicated experiments focused on their generation and...
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For the first time diamagnetic measurements were used to calculate poloidal current in the tokamak vacuum vessel during thermal and current quenches as was recently proposed in [1]. The experimental results are compared with analytical predictions [2] and numerical modelling with CarMa0NL code [3] considering the wall...
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Combining with the data of the three-wave Polaris-interferometer system (Polaris), the Soft Xray array system (SXR) and the electron cyclotron emission system (ECE), it is observed that the radial transport in the region between reversed radius and mixing radius is asymmetrical, which is related to the phase of the...
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Corrugations of tokamak magnetic flux surfaces in the location of a kink mode and/or around the islands created by a tearing mode introduce in combination with toroidal magnetic field inhomogeneity 3D modulations of magnetic field strength within the perturbed flux surfaces and, respectively, give rise to non-ambipolar...
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Small scale turbulence widely treated as one of the causes of abnormal transport genesis. The variation of the turbulence amplitude at T-10 is correlated with the variations of the particle flow mainly [1]. The enhanced heat transport with quick reduction along the time was observed during "ballistic" stage and typical...
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RFX-mod (R = 2 m, a = 0.459 m) is the largest Reversed Field Pinch experiment which allowed characterizing the RFP plasmas up to currents of 2MA. Improved plasma performances are obtained when, in the resonant part of the m=1 spectrum, one dominant Tearing Mode is much higher than the other secondary ones (Quasi Single...
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Advanced plasma confinement in open magnetic mirrors features high relative pressure ( Beta about 60%), mean energy of hot ions of 12 keV and the electron temperature up to 0.9 keV in quasistationary regime [1]. In modern concepts simple mirror ratio of ~1520 and improved longitudinal confinement are proposed [2, 3]....
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The GOL-NB project is a physics demonstration experiment on multiple-mirror plasma confinement that is currently under development in the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics [1]. The final configuration of the device will include a 2.5-m-long central gasdynamic trap with two attached multiple-mirror sections of 3 m each,...
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Microwave gyrotron beams play an important role in magnetically confined fusion plasmas due, in particular, to the electron cyclotron (EC) frequency typically being in that range. EC resonance heating (ECRH) is a popular method of heating the plasma to thermonuclear temperatures, especially for non-inductively driven...
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Compact device with an Ultra-Low Aspect Ratio Tokamak plasma (CULART) is proposed. The major objective of CULART is twofold. First, to explore very high beta (VHB) limits (~ 1) via passive stabilization under relatively low toroidal field (TF). Secondly, as a proof-of-concept, to use these VHB plasmas as a target for...
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The presented work is part of the fundamental research on the implementation of a controlled thermonuclear reaction in open-type magnetic traps. The interest in such systems is defined by the development of powerful neutron sources, which are necessary, in particular, to control hybrid fusion-fission reactors, and, with...
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Full-wave analysis including kinetic effects of plasmas has been extensively employed in studying wave heating and current drive in tokamak plasmas. Most of previous kinetic analyses of wave propagation and absorption in an inhomogeneous plasma are based the wave number.
The dielectric tensor in a hot plasma has been...
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A while ago it was revealed theoretically [1,2] that in presence of a non-monotonic plasma density profile, originating due to the magnetic island or the density pump-out effect at onaxis electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH), the low-power-threshold absolute twoupper-hybrid (UH)-plasmon parametric decay instability...
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The ITER ICRF system is designed such that there is a 90 degree phase shift in the currents between the upper and lower rows of antenna straps. The consequences of this design has previously been studied from the point of view of the coupling, but not with respect to plasma heating. In this work the effects of poloidal...
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Ion Cyclotron Resonance Frequency (ICRF) heating is one of the three auxiliary heating methods foreseen for ITER. The ICRF scenarios in ITER have been recently reassessed with emphasis on the heating and current drive performance and H-mode access capabilities [1,2] based on simple one-dimensional wave damping...
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Investigations of lower hybrid heating (LHH) of plasma ion component very wide and active in 70th and 80th did not result in development of a reliable heating scheme. Excitation of parametric decay instabilities accompanied by ion acceleration observed at different tokamaks at densities exceeding a certain threshold...
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We have assessed the possibility of using the finite element method to solve the electromagnetic wave equation in a fusion plasma in 3D for ICRH applications. In particular, we have studied on-axis hydrogen heating and second harmonic deuterium heating. The purpose of this code is to develop a 3D model with more...
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In tokamak plasmas, electron Bernstein (EB) waves mode-converted from X waves at the upper hybrid resonance (UHR) layer propagate toward the higher field side and are cyclotron-damped away at Doppler shifted frequency before arriving at the electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) layer. Resulted power deposition profile...
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The first plasma on the new spherical tokamak Globus-M2 [1] was obtained in the spring of 2018. During the test experimental campaign, the routine Globus-M shot with moderate density, current of 0.2 MA and magnetic field of 0.5 T [2] was reproduced. The main discharge parameters were monitored using routine...
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The development of non-inductive current drive methods is a central problem on the way of a fusion reactor development within the tokamak concept. The low-hybrid (LH) method of current maintenance can potentially be used in solving this problem, since it has one of the highest efficiencies of current drive [1]. This...
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The choice of available auxiliary heating and current drive schemes is limited in spherical tokamaks (STs) due to tight aspect ratio, low toroidal magnetic field, and high plasma density approaching the Greenwald limit. The most successful heating and current drive method used to date in STs is Neutral Beam Injection...
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Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency (ICRF) Heating is an important heating source on the Joint European Torus (JET). For the D-T campaign, various scenarios of ICRF heating are considered including second harmonic Tritium resonance and the three species hybrid resonance method [Y. Kazakov et al, Nature Physics 973 13...
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Runaway beam confinement and dissipation remain one of the main concern for ITER operation and a clear solution has not been found yet. ITER will be provided with a Shattered Pellet Injection (SPI) system as the primary disruption mitigation technique given the promising results provided by DIII-D [3]. To further...
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Since the suggestion that magnetic islands produced by tokamak tearing modes might be stabilized by non-inductive currents [1], a great number of experimental, theoretical, and computational efforts have been exerted. The stabilization effect relies upon rf waves driving current preferentially at the island center....
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The paper deals with plasma controllability and reachability regions in the spherical tokamak Globus-M (Ioffe Inst.). Plasma magnetic control system [1] of Globus-M consists of 2 loops for plasma vertical Z and horizon R position control with thyristor current invertors [2], and 6 inner cascades for control of...
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In ITER, only a limited number of actuators is available to carry out a great variety of control tasks, some of which may be closely coupled. Safe operation while attaining high plasma performance will require an integrated Plasma Control System (PCS) that has the capability of simultaneously regulating as many...
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Developing attractive means of initiating current without using magnetic induction from a central solenoid is a critical scientific and technical challenge facing the spherical tokamak (ST). The PEGASUS program has focused on developing the physics basis and predictive models for non-solenoidal tokamak startup using...
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This paper describes characteristics of plasma inductive start-up in the spherical tokamak Globus-M2. The Globus-M2 [1] is the result of Globus-M upgrade, based on the replacement of toroidal and poloidal magnetic coils in order to increase the toroidal magnetic field and the plasma current by 2-2.5 times up to B_T =...
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A study of the vacuum magnetic field produced by the Poloidal Field (PF) coil system of ASDEX Upgrade is presented. In the model both coils and their powersupply feedthroughs are considered. The latter contribute to the error fields (EFs) that have already been observed and reported in [1, 2]. The effect on the B...
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Spontaneous toroidal flows have been observed during ECH without direct momentum input in tokamak and helical plasmas[1-3]. We have studied the j × B toroidal torque due to radial diffusion of suprathermal electrons during ECH in LHD applying GNET code[4]. It is found that the j × B torque related to the suprathermal...
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In indirect drive inertial confinement fusion (ICF), a high-Z enclosure (or "hohlraum") surrounds a low-Z capsule containing DT fuel. Laser beams irradiate the interior of the hohlraum, creating an x-ray radiation bath that compresses the fuel to ignition conditions. Motion of the irradiated hohlraum wall induces...
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It has been suggested that crossing two electron beams within the fusion plasma may increase the energy transfer to the fuel, improving heating of the fuel and possibly pushing the hot-spot over threshold for ignition. The interaction and its dispersion relation were first derived in a theoretical study by Ratan et...
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Laser-driven ion acceleration is a long-standing topic of great appeal in the field of laserplasma interaction, both because of the rich physics at play and the foreseen applications [1]. Various laser-ion acceleration mechanisms have been identified in the literature. Among them, Target Normal Sheath Acceleration...
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The need for higher energies in particle colliders led to the development of several types of particle accelerators, like plasma-based accelerators as a promising concept. The achievable electric fields in a plasma in the order of GV/m [1] exceed by orders of magnitude the conventional electric field generation by RF...
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A discussion have been made to demonstrate travelling wave solution for nonlinear relativistic electron plasma wave excited by an intense proton beam. The structures of the excited wake wave electric field and the perturbed plasma electron fluid density are obtained by considering a rectangular proton beam source....
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Recently, Pisani et al. [1] have shown the possibility of generating nearly single-cycle (less than 4 fs) propagating surface plasmons at the micro-structured surface of a grating target by a laser pulse with wavefront rotation. Since the surface plasmon can be excited when the grating is irradiated at a specific...
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The interaction between relativistically intense lasers and near-critical plasmas is a rich field of study, both for basic and applied science, e.g. providing the possibility for producing singularly intense and short XUV bursts of radiation. There are several models describing the highly complex and nonlinear...
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With the latest advances in laser science, the need to produce superior quality ion and electron beams has been a hot research field in the past decade. The hot electron density and temperature in the rear vacuum depend on the target geometrical and composition properties such as target curvature, pulse focusing...
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Not all key questions in fundamental physics can be readily investigated using conventional high-energy particle collider technology. In particular, alternative methods are required to search for novel low mass particles with very weak coupling to ordinary matter. It is anticipated that the next generation of...
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Experimental results related to soft X-ray (SXR) radiation generated during a head-on collision of two low-temperature plasma flows immersed in a longitudinal magnetic field are presented. The plasma flows with velocities of (2-4)x10^7 cm/s and energy contents of 70-100 kJ were produced in these experiments by a pair of...
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When an ultra-intense, femtosecond laser irradiates a solid target, an over dense plasma is generated at the target surface, acting as a non linear reflective media for the incident laser (known as a plasma mirror) that reflects the incident fields and emits a train of attosecond pulses of X-UV radiation . For ultra-high...
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This work presents a numerical simulation of the Penning discharge in 2D/3D formulation. The simulation is based on the electrostatic Particle-In-Cell (PIC) method using structured rectangular grids and implemented in the VSim [1] software package. To simulate the kinetic processes in a gas-discharge plasma, the...
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The use of the Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) for electron heating for Magnetic Nozzle (MN) thrusters have recently received increased interest, as they have been shown (Cannat et al, Phys. Plasmas, 22, 053503 (2015)) to provide improved thrust efficiency up to 16% at only 30 W input power. Such performance make such...
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A one-dimensional kinetic model of an inverted sheath [1] is presented. The model is based on a bounded plasma system model, introduced by Schwager and Birdsall [2]. A onedimensional bounded plasma system is considered. The system is bounded by two very large planar electrodes perpendicular to the x axis. The left hand...
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Any future space missions involving people on board must solve the problem of oxygen required for life support. In the case of Mars oxygen is not present in the rarefied atmosphere. We suggest a possible approach to solve the oxygen problem for Mars missions by the use of a high power coaxial plasma gun to split the...
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Interest in dielectric barrier discharges (DBD) for plasma actuators has seen an important growth in the last years. A barrier discharge occurs when an alternating high voltage is applied to conductive electrodes, at least one of them covered with a dielectric layer, allowing only the passage of the displacement current....
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Monitoring the fuel content in plasma-facing components is essential to get a detailed understanding of the plasma-wall interaction. Laser-induced material analysis is frequently used in fusion devices [1, 2], but there is a lack of diagnostics which can provide depth resolved and quantitative information when no...
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Thermochemical and radiative transfer processes in a shock layer should be clarified to develop a future space vehicle because of their affecting the aerodynamic forces and heating rates. Although the two-temperature model has been utilized widely for a long time, the accuracy of the reaction rate coefficients might be...
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Atmospheric pressure plasma jets (APPJs) today serve as a tool for treating various surfaces from metals to polymers and biological tissues sensitive to temperature [1]. Adhesion, hydrophilic and bacteriostatic properties of the surface can be changed under plasma treatment. The latest studies showed that not only the...
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Inductively coupled plasmas (ICPs) are a widespread and versatile radio frequency (RF) driven plasma generation technique. Thus, significant efforts have been made to optimize them according to the individual requirements at hand. The analysis of the RF power transfer efficiency - or analogously of the plasma equivalent...
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This contribution describes an interesting phenomenon concerning the interaction between a non-equilibrium low-pressure radiofrequency plasma and aggregated particles injected into it. This phenomenon is related to the particle de-agglomeration when they are injected in a plasma. In order to develop nanoparticle...
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METU Plasma Research Laboratory microwave plasma torch is a high power (up to 2kW) microwave source operating at 2.45 GHz via a surfaguide waveguide. Argon gas is fed from one end, the plasma column generated inside a 20 mm diameter quartz tube comes out as a high-speed continuous jet from the other end. Due to its...
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Large attention is nowadays devoted to the understanding of the activation of CO_2 by cold plasmas in different conditions (MW, DBD, nano-pulsed discharges). Theoretical efforts are being developed to better understand the electrical conditions necessary for maximizing the CO_2 dissociation process [1-2]. In particular,...
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MW assisted hydrogen methane plasmas have been extensively used for growth of CVD diamond and graphene. In this article, we discuss the results of self-consistent simulation of hydrogen-methane plasmas in a microwave resonating cavity over wide range of operating conditions (25-200mbar) and different concentrations of...
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It is essential to know discharge propagation velocity dependences on various operational parameters as for understanding of discharge development physics as for applications. This applies as well for self-non-self-sustained (SNSS) discharges [1] in subthreshold microwave fields. For microwaves at wavelength λ = 2 cm it...
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Spectral investigations were carried out on a cathode system, consisting of two concentric spherical hollow grids with aligned orifices to diagnose Complex Space Charge Structures (CSCS) bordered by an electric double layer. CSCS in form of a single or multiple quasi-spherical luminous plasma bodies are called fireballs,...
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Hollow cathode discharge is able to generate a high density plasma inside the hollow cathode cavity [1]. To develop a small sized electron beam source with a high current and high durability, the hollow cathode discharge is applied to an electron source for the high current electron beam in this research. The schematic...
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An analytical study on the space-time evolution of normal electrostatic modes in warm multicomponent plasma is presented. Multi-component plasma can be comprised of electrons, ions, dusts etc. Immobile dust grains can be either positively or negatively charged. [1] In this work, they are considered to be distributed...
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The dynamics of a pure electron plasma confined by strong magnetic fields in a Malmberg-Penning trap is analogous to the vortex flow in an inviscid two-dimensional fluid. In fact, in the guiding-center approximation the transverse electron evolution is dictated by the drift-Poisson equations which are isomorphic to the...
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The formation of the ambipolar potential profile in a plasma flow expanding from a mirror magnetic trap is a challenging problem in plasma physics [1-6]. Here we focus on a particular case of non-equilibrium plasma with hot electrons expanding from a gas dynamic trap that is important for a number of applications [7-10]....
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The skin effect is the basic mechanism which governs the distribution of the electromagnetic field as well as of electron heating and power absorption in the ICP plasma. Recent interest in ICPs operating at low gas pressure (0.1-50 mTorr) has prompted intensive studies of the anomalous skin effect - mechanisms of the...
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The control of plasma potential profile in plasmas is crucial for various applications ranging from space propulsion [1], the development of plasma centrifuges [2] or the mitigation of turbulent transport by sheared flows [3].
We report here a detailed experimental investigation of the plasma potential control using...
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Magnetic nulls in 3 dimensional fields appear in the solar corona, in planetary fields and in fusion concepts such as the polywell and Field Reversed Configuration (FRC). These points where the field vanishes are topologically stable and are hotspots for magnetic reconnection. We analyze these nulls, their motion and...
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The Biermann battery [1], driven by the perpendicular temperature and pressure gradients, is often dominant source of magnetic fields generated in laser-plasma experiments. A detailed study of Biermann generated magnetic fields in collisionless systems has been carried out [2] in an expanding plasma bubble, showing that...
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Within the framework of MagnetoHydroDynamics, a strong interplay exists between flow and magnetic fields. This interplay is known to lead to several interesting phenomena such as nonlinear non-dispersive Alfven waves, recurrence phenomena and magnetic re-connection, to name a few. Using a set of divergence free...
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Self-organized criticality (SOC) is a well-known paradigm for explaining power law probability distributions and frequency spectra in astrophysical, space and laboratory plasmas [1, 2]. By contrast, in the scrape-off layer of magnetically confined fusion plasmas and other turbulent systems, probability distributions with...
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A system of the modified quantum fluid equations has been used for the investigation of Alfven wave dispersion properties in a non-ideal astrophysical plasma medium. The dispersion relation is derived by perturbation method in the presence of dissipative effects, self-gravitational, quantum potentials and electromagnetic...
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We present modelling a dynamical spectrum of a host star's cyclotron emission which came through a magnetically active (auroral) region of a planetary magnetosphere. The model for the local planetary emission is based on a horseshoe-type cyclotron instability [1,2]. A full electromagnetic modelling of a signal which...
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We suggest and investigate in detail an analytical model of a quasi-stationary current sheet in a collisionless plasma describing the boundary of a magnetosheath formed by the solar (stellar) wind [1]. The model significantly expands the scope of the magnetohydrodynamic approach and is based on a consistent kinetic...