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SPARC is designed to be a high-field (B0 = 12 T), compact (R0 = 1.65 m), D-T burning plasma tokamak with the goal of producing net energy gain (Q > 1) from magnetic fusion for the first time. Currently in the pre-conceptual design phase, SPARC will utilize new magnets based on rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) high...
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The edge of magnetically confined plasmas in toroidal configurations is characterized by the presence of various magnetic perturbations (MPs), appearing spontaneously as tearing modes in the Reversed Field Pinch (RFP) [1] or as peeling ballooning modes (ELM) in the tokamak. In the RFX-mod device during high-current...
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First of a kind physics-based simulations project a compact net electric fusion pilot plant with a nuclear testing mission is possible at modest scale based on the advanced tokamak concept, and identify the key parameters for its optimization. These utilize a new integrated 1.5D core-edge approach for whole device modeling...
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Disruption prediction and avoidance is necessary in future MAST-U spherical tokamak discharges to enable long-pulse plasma operation. Research examining the stability of plasmas in the MAST database utilizing new kinetic equilibrium reconstructions and comparisons to present models in the Disruption Event Characterization...
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The Alborz tokamak project has been in the phase of construction at the Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran, since 2012. The completion of this new fusion experimental device fabrication accomplished recently and the start of its commissioning phase is scheduled for the near future. To this end, the initial system...
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The ITER Integrated Modelling & Analysis Suite (IMAS) is the software infrastructure developed using expertise from across the research facilities within the ITER Members to meet the needs of the ITER Integrated Modelling Programme. It builds around a standardised representation of data described by a Data Dictionary that...
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data, specifically, the asymmetry of the spectral line shape of the radiation emitted in the
Balmer-alpha lines of hydrogen isotopes, to recover the flux of neutral hydrogen atoms and
molecules from the tokamak first wall to the SOL...
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Electron cyclotron radiation (ECR) in ITER (in contrast to all previous devices) is expected to play an important role in power loss balance due to high electron temperature and high magnetic field [1], [2]. This radiation is also a source of additional thermal and electromagnetic load for microwave and optical diagnostic...
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Present day Fast Ion Loss Detectors (FILD) installed in tokamaks and stellarators are usually made of a scintillator coupled to a suitable optical system. For the conceptual design of an ITER-relevant FILD prototype for JT-60SA (using a scintillator as sensitive element) it was suggested that the neutron flux that will be...
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DEMO-FNS is a tokamak-based fusion neutron source project being developed in Russia [1]. Issues of energy removal from DEMO-FNS were considered in [2], [3] in the "closed box" [4] approximation where the external sources and sinks of the particles, such as gas puffing and pumping, are essentially neglected. In the present...
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Tokamak Energy Ltd. have recently completed the first programme of operations within the compact (R = 0.4 m) spherical tokamak ST40. During the first programme ST40 was operated without a central solenoid and start-up was achieved using the Merging/Compression technique. Plasmas with a 15 ms (flat top) duration were...
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Recent experiments performed in DIII-D provide strong evidence that the edge particle source has important effects on the density pedestal structure. These experiments were performed primarily in two divertor configurations, one a very open divertor (little baffling of neutrals) and one highly closed (good baffling of...
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H-mode tokamak plasmas are typically characterised by quasi-periodic instabilities called edge localised modes (ELMs) driven by unstable peeling-ballooning modes [1]. For large scale fusion power plants, the predicted particle and heat fluxes are unacceptable, and an active ELM control method is required. One promising...
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The radial electric field Er is thought to play a role in the suppression of turbulence in the edge transport barrier that causes H-mode confinement in tokamaks. A range of mechanisms have been proposed that may positively or negatively contribute to Er. Among the non-ambipolar particle transport channels that together...
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JET is a unique tokamak equipped with the ITER-like wall (ILW) comprised of beryllium (Be) main chamber and tungsten (W) divertor. JET allows operation with tritium (T), thus studying the H/D/T isotope effect on the plasma-wall interaction (PWI). Be limiters meet the most of the direct plasma impact, however part of the...
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The performance and operation of magnetic confinement fusion devices strongly depend on the characteristics of PFCs, which represent the principal source of impurities and, through deuterium recycling, can contribute substantially to plasma fueling. A commonly-used method to reduce and control these effects is to...
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First impurity seeding experiments with N and Ne injection in the new SAS (Small Angle Slot) divertor at DIII-D show the simultaneous achievement of divertor detachment, stable discharge behavior and unchanged (N) or even improved pedestal performance (Ne). N seeding in the SAS divertor leads to the simultaneous...
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We will present first results from the fast-moving Reciprocating Divertor Probe Array (RDPA). This novel diagnostic provides two-dimensional (2D) Langmuir probe measurements across the TCV divertor plasma up to the X-point, enabling unprecedented insights into divertor profiles and fluctuations. The 2D region is covered...
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he tungsten ion average charge states in EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations of the JET scrape-off layer are predicted to decrease by up to 40% when the 74 ion states are bundled into 6 fluid stages, compared to reference cases using the Monte Carlo code DIVIMP and a more elaborate bundling scheme in EDGE2D-EIRENE. The ionization...
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Mixed-material DIVIMP-WallDYN modelling, now incorporating ExB drifts, is presented that simultaneously reproduces tungsten (W) erosion and deposition patterns observed during the DIII-D Metal Rings Campaign, in which toroidally symmetric W-coated tiles were installed in the carbon (C) DIII-D divertor. It is demonstrated...
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Filaments are field aligned density and temperature perturbations, which provide a significant flux of particles and heat from the last closed flux surface to the far scrape-off layer (SOL). In order to design next generation tokamaks operating in high density regimes, it is beneficial to make robust predictions of wall...
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Understanding how the scrape-off layer (SOL) power decay length q scales with plasma quantities is essential for designing fusion reactors and developing a power exhaust solution. An inter-machine database [1] showed that, in inter-ELM H-mode, q scales approximately inversely with the poloidal magnetic field....
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During edge localised modes (ELMs) high heat fluxes are incident on divertor targets, which future fusion devices will not withstand [1]. A solution to reduce the heat fluxes could be the new Super-X divertor, which will be tested on the MAST-U tokamak. The divertor has an increased connection length, magnetic flux...
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The process of divertor detachment, whereby heat and particle fluxes to divertor surfaces are strongly mitigated, is required to reduce heat loading and erosion in a magnetic fusion reactor.
In previous research [1] we have provided a full interpretation of particle/power balance in the TCV (L-mode) divertor using...
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The divertor heat-flux problem remains a major challenge for both present and future high power tokamak fusion experiments and pilot power plant designs. Current divertor designs are informed by large-scale fluid simulation codes, e.g. SOLPS, UEDGE, EDGE2D, but none of these presently capture important kinetic effects in...
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In ITER and other next-generation fusion devices, divertor detachment will be crucial to limit the heat and particle fluxes to plasma-facing components to tolerable levels. This work investigates the importance of molecular effects on detachment. A type of molecular reaction of interest in this work is Molecule-Activated...
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COMPASS Upgrade (COMPASS-U) is a medium-size, high-magnetic-field and high-density tokamak project with a flexible set of the poloidal field coils for generation of the single-null, double-null and snowflake divertor configurations. With its high plasma and neutral density, closed divertor and strong ITER-like target...
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Powerful plasma load on the plasma facing material in tokamaks during transients (disruption, ELMs, VDE etc.) produces several multiscale effects including surface erosion, redeposition of eroded materials, melting and melt motion over the surface, inhomogeneous solidification leading to specific surface clustering...
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The recent operation phase OP1.2b of the superconducting stellarator Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) was the first experimental campaign with a boronized wall in this machine. Wall conditioning by means of boronization is a standard technique to reduce the influx of intrinsic impurities, typically carbon and oxygen, from plasma...
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The topology of the Wendelstein 7-X edge and scrape-off-layer exhibits stochastic fields, island chains, highly varying connection lengths, and a non-uniform curvature drive for plasma turbulence. These challenges have previously inhibited successful development of a plasma fluid turbulence simulation framework. The BSTING...
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The W7-X stellarator with its large aspect ratio has spectrally well separated electron cyclotron harmonics compared to tokamaks. Because of this geometrical advantage, it is easier to address the electron cyclotron harmonics (70,140,210...GHz) at a magnetic field of 2.5 T. In a standard electron cyclotron emission (ECE)...
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Balmer-alpha spectroscopy allows important and versatile investigations of fusion plasmas. In particular active spectroscopy with lines of sight intersecting the paths of neutral beams has become an important diagnostic technique since it carries information on important plasma parameters such as the fast-ion density, the...
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Plasma physics experiments often require a fast estimation of plasma parameters for machine control and safety. On the other hand, to do scientific inference a thorough post-processing analysis and uncertainty handling is carried out. The fast parameter estimation can benefit from a more rigorous handling of the...
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In contrast to axi-symmetric devices, the particle fluxes in helical devices strongly depend on the radial electric field Er. This sets a constraint on the radial electric field for given plasma density and temperature profiles, and makes it a key quantity for the neoclassical transport. In recent years, Doppler...
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Wendelstein 7-X is a modular advanced stellarator, which successfully finished its second test divertor unit experimental campaign in October 2018. Besides establishing divertor operation, this campaign was devoted to the verification of the optimization principles of the machine in different magnetic configurations,...
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The BEAMS3D stellarator neutral beam injection (NBI) code [1] is validated against the experimental data of Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X). Experiments scanning density and magnetic configuration were performed in W7-X with the newly commissioned NBI system. Composed of two sources in a single beam box, this NBI system provided...
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During the past operational phase OP1.2b at Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X), wall conditioning via repeated boronization led to enhanced plasma performance. To further support safe W7-X operation, an additional plasma heating interlock system, based on the measured diamagnetic energy (Wdia), has been successfully operated during...
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The reconstruction of the plasma equilibrium plays an important role in interpreting diagnostic signals and understanding the plasma performance for toroidal fusion experiments. Reconstructing the plasma parameters is an iterative process that involves solving the MHD equilibrium, computing synthetic diagnostic signals...
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Low frequency edge fluctuations, localized near the last closed flux surface, which show discrete losses of stored energy with each event, are seen especially clearly in specific magnetic configurations in Wendelstein 7-X. While these are certainly ELM-likea, the questions of the cause of these fluctuations is still open,...
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Fast ion confinement is crucial for the demonstration of the stellarator approach towards fusion energy. To study confinement of fast ions with today's stellarators advanced RF heating schemes can be used to generate fast ions. Secondly, advanced RF heating schemes are developed to improve ion heating performance. Advanced...
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Understanding transport and validating computer simulations in magnetically confined plasmas is critical for developing predictive models and designing scenarios for future burning plasmas, such as ITER and SPARC. However, the highly nonlinear nature of turbulence means that simulations of plasma behavior are very...
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Gyro-fluid equations are velocity space moments of the gyrokinetic equation. The damping due to kinetic resonances is included through a closure scheme chosen to match the collisionless density response functions. This damping allows for accurate linear eigenmodes to be computed, even in the collisionless limit, with a...
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Our recent studies [1-3] have shown that heat transport in magnetic confinement devices (the stellarators TJ-II and W7-X) is not a smooth and continuous (diffusive) process, but involves mini-transport barriers associated with low-order rational surfaces and rapid non-local radial `jumps'. This remarkable finding sheds a...
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During the last decades, the transition from low to high plasma confinement (L-H transition) has been analysed in several tokamaks showing that the L-H power threshold depends non-linearly on plasma density. A common finding shown both for AUG and C-mod experiments, with different mixes of heating systems, [F. Ryter et al....
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Magnetic confinement plasmas are usually primarily driven by heat sources, with limited particle sources, particularly in the core. This is also the case of a fusion reactor, where the limited penetration of the neutral particles leads to the requirement of using fuelling pellets. Depending on plasma conditions, the...
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Clear evidences that, due to a strong outward impurity convection, impurity core penetration is prevented have been found in the RFX-mod RFP device. A comparable convection of the main gas has not been observed [1] so that a favorable situation with peaked or flat density profiles and hollow impurity profiles is...
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The JT-60SA is a large device with a plasma volume 50% larger than JET, and up to 34 MW of NBI heating power. High performance deuterium plasmas are expected to produce neutron rates in excess of 10^(17) n/s. A significant fraction of the fusion reactions will be produced by high-energy NBI ions from 24 MW positive (PNB)...
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Since the first comparisons between different hydrogen isotope plasmas in tokamaks it appeared that deuterium (D) plasmas have generally better performances than hydrogen (H) plasmas [1-4]. The energy and particle confinement times [1-3], the L-H power transition [4,5] and the H-mode pedestal [3,6], essential parameters...
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The interaction of Geodesic Acoustic Modes (GAMs) and Zonal Flows with small-scale turbulence is an important topic in magnetic confinement studies. Much progress has been made in recent years on the measurement, interpretation and numerical simulation of the GAM-turbulence interaction. Using microwave reflectometry...
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This contribution reports on the impurity confinement in Wendelstein 7-X which was studied with dedicated impurity injection by means of laser blow-off. Basically, the understanding of impurity transport is a demanding task for stellarators with the aim of steady state operation. Especially, the accumulation of...
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Microtearing (MT) turbulence has been identified as a key player in the evolution of the Hmode pedestal due to its ability to produce electron thermal diffusivities very different from the ion heat and particle diffusivity channels [1]. However, important aspect of the physics of MT instability and turbulence under...
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Control of turbulent particle and heat transport is an important issue for magnetically confined fusion plasmas such as tokamaks and helical devices. Repetitive transport bursts due to the magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the pedestal region, called the edge localized modes (ELMs), will be serious problems for future...
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Non-local transport and non-Gaussian probability density functions (PDFs) of turbulent fluxes are fundamental physical issues for magnetic confinement fusion that were addressed well in set of works (e.g., review [1] and references therein). Deviation of PDFs from a Gaussian distribution most easily to monitor by...
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Intermittent fluctuations in the scrape-off layer (SOL) are investigated by numerical simulations of two dimensional reduced fluid models describing the evolution of the electron density and electric drift vorticity in the two dimensional plane perpendicular to the magnetic field [1, 2, 3]. Long time series obtained by...
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Proper comparison of simulated turbulent fluctuations with experimental observations is necessary for code validation, and for establishing a link between experimental fluctuation measurements and the underlying physics. In this contribution we report on the progress of modelling localised measurements of turbulent...
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Turbulent transport in the Scrape-Off Layer (SOL) is an important issue in contemporary tokamak physics due to its role in deteriorating plasma confinement and enhancing the plasmawall interaction. This work compares turbulence properties on two poloidal locations, the outer midplane (upstream) and the divertor target...
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Divertor plates of tokamaks are known to be subjected to extremely high heat loads. Melting, cracking and other damages of Plasma Facing Components (PFCs) may occur [1]. Experiments in tokamaks after severe melting of tungsten (W) tiles in the divertor demonstrated that such damage events could compromise the reliable...
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Homogenization methods for dielectric mixtures have existed for over two decades, but their limitations regarding the wavelength of incoming beam did not allow them to be used extensively in tokamak plasmas. We present a new method which does not have the same limitations, with application to a dielectric plasma mixture...
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The FuZE device produces a 0.3 cm radius by 50 cm long Z-pinch between the end of the inner electrode of a coaxial plasma gun and an end wall 50 cm away. The plasma column is stabilized for thousands of instability growth time by an embedded radially-sheared axial plasma flow, a method proposed in Shumlak and Hartman...
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The Hall effect, defined as the separation of electric charges of opposite sign when they move in a magnetic field, is suggested to contribute substantially to the observed negative radial electric field E_r in the core plasma in tokamaks and, respectively, to the spontaneous/intrinsic rotation of plasma. A detailed...
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Temporal contrast is a crucial parameter for high-power short-pulse laser facilities. At insufficient contrast, amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) prepulse - which is inherent to lasers based on chirped-pulse amplification scheme - can create plasma on surface of a solid target before arrival of the main pulse. This...
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A lot of interesting results come from the triplet concept, where three waves with wavenumber and frequency match conditions interact with themselves, exchanging energy. For example, if the coupling factor is small in a way the frequency of the envelope of each wave is slower than the slowest frequency of the...
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Processes of laser energy absorption and electron heating in a hot plasma in the range of irradiances s Iλ^2 = 10^15 – 10^16 W µm^2/cm^2 are of prime importance for the shock ignition scheme of inertial confinement fusion. We studied these processes with large scale kinetic simulations [1, 2] and identified particular...
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Twenty years have passed since the seminal paper on Raman amplification in plasma by Malkin, Shvets and Fisch [1]. While Raman amplification has been explored very successfully in theory and simulations [2], no significant Raman amplification of a laser pulse beyond 0.1 TW or 6% efficiency has been achieved [3], and...
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Laser-driven neutron sources have recently attracted significant attention due to their potential uses in science, industry, healthcare, and security. In laser-matter interaction experiments, neutrons can be efficiently produced by nuclear reactions involving the laser-driven light ions [1]. Characterisation of these...
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All-optical approaches to ion acceleration are attracting a significant research effort internationally. Energetic ion beams can be readily generated by high intensity lasers via the target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) process [1]. While the ion energies of such beams remain constrained by available laser...
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Investigations using the so-called Cavity Pressure Acceleration (CPA) method were carried out on the Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS). The main goal of this research was to test and analyze a possibility of increasing density of plasma objects accelerated by laser light in channel cavity targets. The...
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Spatially modulated electrostatic fields can be designed to efficiently accelerate particles by exploring the relations between the amplitude, the phase velocity, the shape of the potential and the initial velocity of the particle. The acceleration process occurs when the value of the velocity excursions of the...
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In the present analysis we study the dynamics of charged particles under the action of slowly modulated electromagnetic carrier waves. With the use of a high-frequency laser mode along with a modulated static magnetic wiggler, we show that the ensuing total field effectively acts as a slowly modulated high-frequency...
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In the present analysis we incorporate radiation effects to the study of the relativistic dynamics of charged particles submitted to the action of slowly modulated, high-frequency electrostatic waves with large amplitudes. Previous analyses ignoring radiation reaction indicate that this setting may be very efficient...
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Forthcoming multi-petawatt laser systems (e.g., CoReLS, Apollon, ELI, CAEP-PW) will soon make it possible to achieve laser intensities in excess of 10^22-10^23 Wcm^2. Laser-matter interactions under such extreme conditions will give rise to copious synchrotron or Bremsstrahlung emission of γ-ray photons, which may...
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The recent experimental and theoretical progresses have shown that plasma accelerators are very promising because they may provide a new generation of more compact particle accelerators and light sources for various technological and scientific applications. Plasma accelerators often use intense laser beams or...
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Radiation processes in plasmas are extremely relevant for a number of fields, ranging from astrophysics [1] to small scale microscopy [2]. These processes are usually associated with the motion of a large number of electrons, under the action of intense electric and magnetic self-consistent fields and require...
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Plasma with an electron beam is considered as a source of powerful electromagnetic (EM) emission in various space and laboratory environments. It is well known that in presence of two counterstreaming beams radiation efficiency significantly grows in contrast to the single beam case. This is explained by the fact that...
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A theoretical study of a uniform fast electron beam propagating in a plasma density gradient targets (low density core-high density cladding) is presented. The self-generated magnetic field is calculated using a rigid beam model in cylindrical geometry. It is found that the spontaneous magnetic field peaks at the...
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In fast ignition, an ultra-intense pico-second laser is irradiated to heat a pre-compressed fusion fuel up to the ignition temperature. When the laser-accelerated electron beam is used for core heating, the large beam divergence, the broad energy spectrum and the difficulty in generating fast electrons having suitable...
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A target is imploded by long-pulse implosion lasers and its compressed core is heated by fast electrons, which are generated by a short-pulse ultrahigh-intense laser, in the fast ignition scheme. As the location where fast electrons are generated is far from the core due to ablation plasmas, few of them can hit the...
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High power lasers with relativistic intensities above 1018 W/cm2 and pulse lengths exceeding picosecond (ps) have been developed in recent years. In over-ps laser-plasma interactions, energy slope of high-energy electrons tends to be higher than the scaling laws used in the sub-ps regime. One of the key mechanisms of...
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Laser focused intensity has been increasing since its invention, and is going to reach 1024 W/cm2 and beyond. These intense fields open the new regime of laser-matter interactions. One of the effect playing an important role in laser-matter interaction in this regime is a radiation reaction effect which is a back...
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In the Shock Ignition (SI) approach to Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), an intense laser spike is used to launch a high pressure converging shock in the spherical capsule at the end of the compression phase. In this way the compression and the ignition phases are separated and can be optimized independently. The...
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Collimated electron beams produced by intense laser pulses focused onto solid-density plasmas are studied intensively for many applications. Experiments and simulations have shown that the electron beams are emitted at an angle between laser specular and the target normal direction. In particular, an electron jet...
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The nonlinear features of the oscillatory motion of a single dust particle trapped in a standing striation are investigated. The method of the discharge current modulation [1, 2] is used to excite the nonlinear oscillations with the large amplitude of the order of 1.5 mm. The multi-resonance curves are obtained under...
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Currently, the developments in the field of alternative energy are becoming increasingly important due to the need to solve a vast number of problems associated with the creation of compact, reliable, autonomous power sources for spacecraft and other applications, where the conversion of solar energy into electrical...
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We present the helix jet - a stable plasma source with a large homogeneous plasma volume at atmospheric pressure. Challenging applications of material science in high-tech technology implement sources combining homogeneity and stability of vacuum based techniques with a multidimensional flexibility and instrumental...
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Here we present the results of experimental studies on the effect of an external longitudinal magnetic field in a high pressure discharge. Fig. 1 shows typical experimental time dependences of the voltage (upper), current density (middle) and calculated conductivity (lower) in the channel (argon, H=1.6·107 A/m, P=3...
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The interaction of neutral and charged gas components is in a high interest of modern physics. This attention is caused mostly by the aerospace applications as well as for exploring the nonlinear wave processes in the near-Earth space (ionosphere). In this work, the interaction of strong shock waves (supersonic bodies)...
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Dusty plasma is a system of charged micron-sized particles immersed in a plasma. This system is strongly non-ideal due to high charges of particles and strong interaction between them. Thus, observation of ordered structures in a dusty plasma is possible. Such ordered structures are called dusty plasma crystals.
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An experimental and theoretical study of the formation of radiation spectra of cathode plasma in a pulsed discharge in argon at atmospheric pressure has been performed. To study the effect of small impurities of the material of the cathode material on the kinetics of ions and electrons in the discharge, the methods of...
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The kinetic effects on the dust particles observed in a plasma crystal locally irradiated by a narrow pulsed electron beam with energy 12 and 13 keV and peak current 4 mA are presented [1]. We observe in the top layer of the plasma crystal the formation of a stable dust flow along the irradiation direction in the first...
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Gold nanoparticles (GNP) have a wide range of applications in medicine, such as a radiosensitiser in radiotherapy[1], GNP coated single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT), to be used as a photothermal agent[2], targeted drug delivery systems, and other forms of cancer treatment and diagnostics[3]. Research into GNP production...
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In the present paper, we study the kinetic theory of instability of electrostatic lower hybrid waves1 (LHWs) in a dusty plasma containing potassium positive ions (K+). A relativistic electron beam (REB) propagating through the plasma containing dust grains, positive potassium ions, and electrons, drives the LHWs to...
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The lower-hybrid wave processes that take place under the interaction of the Earth's magnetosphere with dusty plasma near the lunar surface are considered. Lower-hybrid waves are excited in the regions of the transient magnetic and/or boundary magnetospheric layers due to the development of linear hydrodynamic instability....
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Advantages of X-ray which is emitted by dense plasma focus (DPF) are high-speed shutter and high energy. It can be used as a tool for researching on the property and structure of an object with high speed movement such as turbine blade. This is the target research for Thailand Plasma 1 (TPF-1). The X-ray yield strongly...
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Flute oscillations are vortical motions which are highly elongated along the magnetic field. Their characteristic dimensions are much larger than the Larmor radius, and their frequency much smaller than the cyclotron frequency, of the ions. In contrast to the electrostatic drift wave, the flute mode belongs to the reactive...
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The question of how to impose an electric field perpendicular to the magnetic field in a highdensity magnetized plasma is central to a variety of applications with high societal impact. In recent years, it has been shown for instance that "crossed-field" rotating configurations could offer unique opportunities both for...
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The newly developed concept of supersolitary wave (supersoliton) describes a novel type of nonlinear localized structure. Its signature features are a very large amplitude in the electrostatic potential (pulse) and a characteristic wiggly structure in the associated electric field. Firstly, supersolitons were suggested in...
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Plasma is a multi-component gas, composed of ions, electrons and neutrals. Therefore, collisions between different plasma species must be entertained. Moreover, energy and momentum are redistributed by their presence in the plasma. The presence of negative ions in the system has a huge impact on the characteristics of...
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This paper reports the behavior of anode sheath in a planar dc discharge system brought about by changing the plasma boundary. Asymmetric parallel electrodes (anode dia. = 38 mm, cathode dia. = 76 mm, separation = 35 mm) were placed in a glass tube and covered by mica discs at the two ends of the glass tube. The whole...
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An experimental system SYMPLE (System for Microwave Plasma Experiments) is developed to investigate interaction of high power microwave (HPM) with an over-dense plasma ( plasma > microwave) to address the physics of various linear and non-linear mechanisms related to wave absorption in plasma1. A washer-gun based pulsed...
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A unified numerically solvable framework for dispersion relations with an arbitrary number of species drifting at arbitrary directions and with Krook collision is derived for linear uniform/homogenous kinetic plasma, which greatly extended the standard one [say, T. Stix, {\em Waves in Plasmas}, AIP...
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A number of effects, such as anomalous backscattering and anomalously ion acceleration, observed in experiments on electron-cyclotron resonant heating (ECRH) in magnetic fusion toroidal devices [1-2] are not explained within the conventional linear theory. The theoretical model proposed in [3] explains the anomalous...
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The phenomena of nonlocal (superdiffusive) transport are closely related to long-free-path carriers, called «Lévy flights» by B. Mandelbrot (see [1] and references therein). The processes of non-local transport with account of the finite velocity of carriers (i.e. of the retardation effect) are called «Lévy walks» [2, 3],...
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Low-temperature plasma finds a wide practical application in devices used in the current control circuits of space and ground-based nuclear power plants: modulators, thermionic converters, current and voltage stabilizers and etc. One of the most important requirements for devices of such appointment is the ability of...
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In many plasma applications, electromagnetic (EM) waves are key to providing energy. Plasmas can demonstrate complex dynamics when exposed to multiple EM signals. Raman coupling (by Langmuir oscillation) or Brillouin scattering (through ion-acoustic waves) are important in laser plasma interactions: Microwave beams can be...