8–12 Jul 2019
University of Milano-Bicocca UNIMIB
Europe/Rome timezone

P2.2002 Thermal effects in a triplet and beam interaction in a plasma

9 Jul 2019, 14:00
Building U6 (University of Milano-Bicocca UNIMIB)

Building U6

University of Milano-Bicocca UNIMIB

Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo, 1 20126 Milan, Italy
BPIF Poster P2


E.A. Peter (EPS 2019)


See the full abstract here:

A lot of interesting results come from the triplet concept, where three waves with wavenumber and frequency match conditions interact with themselves, exchanging energy. For example, if the coupling factor is small in a way the frequency of the envelope of each wave is slower than the slowest frequency of the carriers, the dynamics is regular [1-3]. However, the dynamics of the triplet may be dramatically affected if a charged particle beam is introduced in the system. This case was previously studied for a cold beam [4]. The present work extends the results to a warm beam, considering a water bag initial distribution for the velocities. The focus is on the beginning of the system dynamics. Some features of the beam as the center of the distribution as well as the distribution width are of interest and their role is discussed.

[1] S. G. Thornhill, and D.ter Haar, Phys. Reports, 43, 43 (1978)
[2] P. M. Drysdale, and P. A. Robinson, Phys. Plasmas, 9, 4896 (2002)
[3] P. Iorra, S. Marini, E. Peter, R. Pakter, and F. B. Rizzato, Physica A, 436, 686 (2015)
[4] E. Peter, S. Marini, R. Pakter, and F. B. Rizzato, Phy. Plasmas 24, 102124 (2017)

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