2–4 Oct 2019
Università di Bari
Europe/Rome timezone

FERS: a distributed front-end readout system for multidetector arrays

3 Oct 2019, 17:00
Centro Polifunzionale Studenti (Università di Bari)

Centro Polifunzionale Studenti

Università di Bari

Piazza Umberto I 70121 Bari (Italy)


Carlo Tintori


The FERS-5200 is the new CAEN Front-End Readout System, which is a cost effective, scalable and distributed
front-end & data acquisition system for large detector arrays. It consists in a compact and easy-deployable
solution integrating front-ends based on ASICs, A/D conversion, data processing, synchronization and readout.
Using the appropriate ASIC the solution perfectly fits a wide range of detectors such as SiPMs, multianode
PMTs, Silicon Strip detectors, Wire Chambers, Gas Tubes, etc. The first member of the FERS family is the
unit A5202, a 64 channel readout card for SiPMs, based on the Citiroc (Weeroc) ASIC chips. Each concentrator
board A5215 manages up to 128 A5202 cards, that is 8192 readout channels.

Primary author

Carlo Tintori

Presentation materials