Tuesday 4
- Hannes Jung (DESY)
Drell-Yan pair production using transverse momentum dependent parton distributions evolved
with the Catani-Ciafaloni-Fiorani-Marchesini-Kwieci\'nski (CCFM-K) equations in the single loop approximation will be discussed. Such equations are obtained assuming angular ordering of emitted partons (coherence) for $x\sim 1$ and transverse momentum ordering for $x \ll 1$. This evolution scheme also...
The valence double parton distribution of the pion is analyzed in the framework of chiral quark models, where in the chiral limit factorization between the longitudinal and transverse degrees of freedom occurs. This feature leads, at the quark-model scale, to a particularly simple distribution of the form $D(x_1,x_2, \vect{y}) = \delta(1-x_1-x_2) F(\vect{y})$, where x1,2 are the longitudinal...