25–26 Feb 2019
Physics Department - Pisa University and INFN - Sezione di Pisa
Europe/Rome timezone
Constraining the equation of state of matter at extreme densities with gravitational wave observations

TEOBResumS: efficient and accurate analytical waveform model for spin-aligned coalescing binaries

26 Feb 2019, 09:00
Auditorium (European Gravitational Observatory)


European Gravitational Observatory

Via E. Amaldi 56021 S. Stefano a Macerata - Cascina (PI)


Alessandro Nagar (IHES)


will review the status of TEOBResumS, a freely available analytical waveform model, based on the effective
one body approach (improved by numerical relativity simulations), to generate highly-accurate (and computationally
inexpensive) time-domain (multipolar) waveforms for spin-aligned coalescing binaries. The model includes tidal
interaction as well as EOS-dependent self-spin couplings (at high order) and is viable for both coalescing black holes
through merger and ringdown or neutron stars (as well as mixed binaries) up to merger. Implications for data-analysis
and in particularly its use on GW170817 are explicitly discussed.

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