- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
The idea of the workshop is to put together physicists with competences in gravitational waves, nuclear physics and neutron star physics to create a bridge between these communities and to foster future collaborations.
A large amount of time is allocated for discussions, and the style of the communications should be open to dialogue. Here is a list of issues we aim to discuss:
What kind of constraints on the equation of state (EOS) of matter at very high densities are allowed by the present and future GW detector sensitivities?
What are the most up to date theoretical models for the EOS?
Can neutron stars sustain long-lived large quadrupolar deformations?
What is the current state of the art for numerical simulations?
What are the more urgent theoretical challenges?
What are the most relevant analysis limitations?
How can we bring together GW and EM constraints?
What do we expect to gain with third-generation GW observatories for fundamental physics of matter at extreme densities?
Foreseen talks are on invitation only, but registration is open to everyone interested (within a numerical limit). Registrants are welcome to participate to the discussions.
We are happy to acknowledge the support of: