Summer School 2019
Friday afternoon 26th July, there will be a visit to LABEC, Florence.
Nicolas Alamanos (IRFU-CEA-Saclay): Introduction to modern Nuclear Physics.
Shawn Bishop (TUM, Munich): Reach for the stars by digging in the dirt.
Luciano Canton (INFN, Padova) - Andrea Fontana (INFN-Pavia): Nuclear Physics applied to the production of Innovative Radio-Pharmaceuticals.
GAP Cirrone (INFN-LNS, Catania): Hadron therapy: from the conventional approach to laser-driven applications
Maria Elena Fedi (INFN-LABEC, Firenze): How a small accelerator can be useful for interdisciplinary applications. Part II: cultural heritage studies.
Paolo Finocchiaro (INFN-LNS, Catania): From nuclear physics to applications: new detectors for radioactive waste monitoring.
Andreas Knecht (PSI, Zurich): Study of nuclear properties with muonic atoms.
Franco Lucarelli (LABEC, Firenze): How a small accelerator can be useful for interdisciplinary applications. Part I: the study of air pollution.
Miguel Marques (LPC, Caen): The extremes of neutron richness
Sandra Moretto (Padova University): Neutron Technique in civil security applications.
Nicholas van der Meulen (PSI, Zurich): Radionuclides for nuclear medicine: the triumphs and challenges.
Oliver Zimmer (ILL, Grenoble): Pedestrian neutrons - tool and object for fundamental physics.
Domenico Logoteta (University of Pisa)
Pietro Carra (University of Pisa)