11–13 Dec 2019
Salone degli Affreschi, Palazzo Ateneo Università "Aldo Moro" Bari
Europe/Rome timezone
SM&FT 2019 Challenges in Computational Theoretical Physics

Current transport properties and phase diagram of a Kitaev chain with long-range pairing

11 Dec 2019, 12:00
Salone degli Affreschi, Palazzo Ateneo Università "Aldo Moro" Bari

Salone degli Affreschi, Palazzo Ateneo Università "Aldo Moro" Bari

Piazza Umberto I, 1 Bari


Domenico Giuliano (CS)


We describe a method to probe the quantum phase transition between the short-range and the long-range topological phase in the superconducting Kitaev chain with long-range pairing. We show that, when the leads are biased at a voltage V, the Fano factor is either zero or 2e. As a result, we find that the Fano factor works as a directly measurable quantity to probe the quantum phase transition between the two phases, also showing a remarkable "critical fractionalization effect". Finally, we note that a dual implementation of our proposed device makes it suitable as a generator of large-distance entangled two-particle states.

Primary authors

Domenico Giuliano (CS) Luca Lepori (IIT Genova) Prof. Simone Paganelli (Università dell'Aquila)

Presentation materials