9:15 AM
Compact accelerator driven neutron sources and their applications
Yoshiaki Kiyanagi
(Nagoya University)
9:45 AM
Neutron Cross Section measurements for astrophysics and applications at the nTOF facility at CERN
Luigi Giovanni Cosentino
10:15 AM
A neutron facility at the INFN LNL
Luca Silvestrin
(University of Padova - INFN Padova)
11:05 AM
HadronTherapy at LNS: from the conventional approach to the frontiers of biological enhancements and laser driven applications
Pablo Cirrone
11:35 AM
Recent Results on proton-CT
Carlo Civinini
12:05 PM
Micro and Nano Dosimetry at LNL
Valeria Conte
12:35 PM
Nuclear Fragmentation and particle Therapy
Vincenzo Patera