Bilateral Workshop in the Framework of the Italian-Chinese Collaborative Research
Projects between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI)
and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)


This workshop is organized with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI).

Graphene is the first thermodynamically stable two-dimensional material discovered in nature. Its properties are extraordinary: from the very high electric mobility based on linear dispersion electrons (Dirac electrons), to the strong interaction with the electromagnetic field, to the high thermal conductivity, to the remarkable mechanical hardness.
In recent years research has focused on providing a third dimension to graphene. Recently three-dimensional (3D) graphene-like materials have been discovered with micro and nano-porous structures, or made by mesoscopic filaments that are distributed on macroscopic spatial scales. These topological structures allow preserving the extraordinary electrical and thermodynamic properties of 2D graphene extending them in 3D.
The porous or filamentous nature, and the high surface/volume ratio of these 3D architectures open interesting application scenarios and opportunities for fundamental physics researches: batteries and supercapacitors, flexible electronics, IR and THz photonics, plasmonics and finally, the manufacture of novel highly-efficient devices capable of transduce light into sound.
近年来,研究集中在为石墨烯提供第三个维度。最近发现了三维(3D)类石墨烯材料,或具有微米、纳米多孔结构, 或由分布在宏观空间尺度上的介观纤维构成。这些拓扑结构保留了二维石墨烯优异的电学和热力学性能,并将其扩展到三维体系中。
ll grafene è il primo materiale 2D termodinamicamente stabile scoperto in natura. Le sue proprietà sono straordinarie: dall’elevatissima mobilità elettrica basata su elettroni a dispersione lineare (elettroni di Dirac), alla forte interazione con il campo elettromagnetico, all’alta conducibilità termica, alla notevole durezza meccanica.

Negli ultimi anni la ricerca si è concentrata sul fornire una terza dimensione al grafene. Recentemente sono stati scoperti materiali grafenici tridimensionali (3D) con strutture micro e nano-porose, oppure costituite da filamenti mesoscopici che si distribuiscono su scale spaziali macroscopiche. Queste strutture topologiche permettono di conservare le straordinarie proprietà elettriche e termodinamiche del grafene 2D estendendole nel mondo tridimensionale.

La natura porosa o filamentosa, e l’elevato rapporto superficie/volume di queste architetture 3D aprono interessanti scenari applicativi e di fisica fondamentale: dall’uso nelle batterie e nei supercondensatori, all’elettronica flessibile, alla fotonica IR e THz, alla plasmonica ed infine alla costruzione
di dispositivi ad altissima efficienza capaci di trasformare luce in suono.


Main Topics:

Graphene & 3D Graphene
Carbon based materials
Graphene & Applications in Catalysis
Graphene & Photoacoustics
Graphene & Plasmonics
Synchrotron radiation characterizations

Energy related materials

Conference Chair:

Augusto Marcelli, INFN & RICMASS (Frascati, Rome)
Stefano Lupi, Sapienza University & INFN (Rome)


Prof. Liangti Qu, Beijing Institute of Technology (Beijing)
Li Song, University of Science and Technology of China (Hefei)

  Scientific Secretariat:

Lorenzo Tenuzzo,
Peng Peng Shang,


Paolo Alberti, Phone +393336037736, email:


October 1: Sala Lauree, 1st floor Physics Department - Sapienza University, P.le Aldo Moro 1, 00100 Rome
October 2: Salvini Hall High Energy Building - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Via E. Fermi 40, 00044 Frascati (Rome)



On 02/10/2017, the event is available in streaming at this URL:

How to reach LNF & LNF Map

Web Master: Alessandro Scordo, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN