Future Perspectives
- David d'Enterria (CERN)
Future Perspectives
- David d'Enterria (CERN)
Future Perspectives
- David d'Enterria (CERN)
In 2017, ATLAS has been equipped with a new, dedicated detector system
allowing measurements of forward protons scattered at small angles in
diffractive and electromagnetic processes. These ATLAS Forward Proton
detectors (AFP) can operate during standard high-luminosity LHC runs
and collect large amounts of integrated luminosity. This gives a
possibility to study rare interactions, in...
Prospects for photon-photon measurements with CMS and TOTEM will be reviewed.
The CMS experiment at the LHC features a high-resolution homogeneous electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL). Its excellent performance in the reconstruction of high-energy photons has played a key role in the discovery of the Higgs boson and the measurement of its properties. The High-Luminosity LHC (HL- LHC) is expected to deliver an integrated luminosity 20 times larger than the LHC, allowing to...
The production of the Higgs boson in photon-photon interactions with proton and nucleus beams at three colliders planned or proposed at CERN --- the high-luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), the high-energy LHC (HE-LHC), and the Future Circular Collider (FCC) --- is studied. The cross sections for the process A$\,\gamma\gamma\,$A$\rightarrow$(A)$\,$H$\,$(A), with the ions A surviving the...
At present experiments with a new Belle II detector at SuperKEKB collider has started at KEK (Japan). These new experiments will continue and widen the studies began at the previous experiments with the Belle detector. The luminosity of the SuperKEKB collider will exceed the previous one by about 40 times, amounting to $8\times 10^{35}$cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$. The main features of the collider and...
We investigate the exclusive photoproduction of J/ψ mesons in ultraperipheral heavy-ion collisions in the color dipole approach.
We use the color dipole formulation of Glauber-Gribov theory to calculate the diffractive amplitude on the
nuclear target. We compare our results to recent published data on exclusive J/ψ production in ultraperipheral
lead-lead collisions at √sNN=2.76 and...
A global survey of weak mixing angle measurements at low and high energies is presented first. Then I will discuss theoretical uncertainties in precision observables with special emphasis on their correlations. The important role of vacuum polarization in global fits will also be addressed before fit results are presented.
The muon anomalous magnetic moment, $a_\mu=\frac{g-2}{2}$, is a low energy observable that can be both measured and computed with high precision. Therefore it provides an important test of the Standard Model (SM) and it is a sensitive probe for new physics. In particular, any deviation from the Standard Model theoretical value can be due to Beyond Standard Model Physics contribution, such as...
The project of the Super C-Tau factory (SCTF) is under development now at BINP in Novosibirsk. This electron-positron collider is intended for experiments in the energy range from 2 to 6 GeV with a luminosity of $10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$. The high luminosity will provide a wide physical program that includes many fundamental issues like a study of mixing in the D meson system, search for...
Using Compton scattering of 0.5 \mum laser photons on existing 17.5 GeV (spent) electron beams from European XFEL one can obtain a gamma-gamma collider with W<12 GeV . This energy region is not covered by Super-B collider or LHC (the later due QCD backgrounds). Such a collider will be a nice place for application of modern technologies: powerful lasers, optical cavities, SC linacs and...