Meeting of the Scientific Steering Committee for “Ensar_Next”
October 6, 2018 – LNS Conference Room
09:00 – 18:00 OPEN SESSION
09:00 (5+5) Introductory remarks A. Bracco
09:10 (10+ 5) MIDAS - JRA (H. Koivisto)
09:25 (10 + 5) Advanced techniques for stopping and thermalization of exotic nuclei(D. Balabanski )
09:40 (15+10 + 5) Small Facilities : from NA to TA (S. Harissopulos and J. Gomez) ppt1 ppt2 ppt3
10:10 (10 + 5) Cryogenic Systems (Adnan Ghribi )
10:25 (15+ 5) SARAF (I. Mardor)
10:45 (10+ 5) NERA: Neutron reactions for Astrophysics (S. Cristallo)
11:00 (20) Coffee break
11:20 (10+ 10+5) Resonance Ionization (RESIST) and MR-TOF (I. Moore +S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer) ppt1 ppt2
11:45 (10 + 5) Electron-Radioactive beam collider (D. Verney)
12:00 (10 + 10 + 5) Medinet (G. Magrin) + Research on monoelement theranostic pairs (Mateusz Sitarz)
12:25 (5+ 10 +10+5 ) Status of TecHIBA and future plans for Medical Isotopes (Verde + Cinausero + Gilles)
12:55 (15+5) Other plans for Isotopes (U. Koester)
13:15 Lunch
14:15 (15+5) Eurisol_DF (Y. Blumenfeld)
14:35 (10 + 10+ 5) NuSPIN and two new initiatives (S. Lenzi and Verde) ppt1 ppt2
15:00 (10+ 5) ISATES (I. Mardor)
15:15 (10+ 5) Complex Event Analysis using Neural Networks (N. Kalantar)
15:30 (10+10+ 5) Theory (M. Colonna and Teresa Pena) ppt1 ppt2
15:55 (10+10+5) Nuclear astrophysics (La Cognata) + educational initiatives (L. Trache) ppt1 ppt2
16:20 (10+10+5) Active target and GET electronics (T. Marchi, Pollacco) ppt1 ppt2
16:45 (10+5) Hyperfine techniques for applications (Lino da Costa Pereira)
17:00 Coffee break
17:20 (10+5) Detectors for Ion tracking (E. Spiriti)
17:35 (10+5) Particle and gamma detection (D. Napoli+ P. Bednarczyk) ppt1 ppt2
17:50 (10+5) PSeGe: AGATA application (D. Napoli)
18:05 (10+5) NuPIA (Tomasz Krawczyk)
18:20 (30) Discussions and general questions
18:50-19:30 CLOSED SESSION
20:00 Dinner
October 6, 2018 – LNS Conference Room
09:00 – 18:00 OPEN SESSION
09:00 (5+5) Introductory remarks A. Bracco
09:10 (10+ 5) MIDAS - JRA (H. Koivisto)
09:25 (10 + 5) Advanced techniques for stopping and thermalization of exotic nuclei(D. Balabanski )
09:40 (15+10 + 5) Small Facilities : from NA to TA (S. Harissopulos and J. Gomez) ppt1 ppt2 ppt3
10:10 (10 + 5) Cryogenic Systems (Adnan Ghribi )
10:25 (15+ 5) SARAF (I. Mardor)
10:45 (10+ 5) NERA: Neutron reactions for Astrophysics (S. Cristallo)
11:00 (20) Coffee break
11:20 (10+ 10+5) Resonance Ionization (RESIST) and MR-TOF (I. Moore +S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer) ppt1 ppt2
11:45 (10 + 5) Electron-Radioactive beam collider (D. Verney)
12:00 (10 + 10 + 5) Medinet (G. Magrin) + Research on monoelement theranostic pairs (Mateusz Sitarz)
12:25 (5+ 10 +10+5 ) Status of TecHIBA and future plans for Medical Isotopes (Verde + Cinausero + Gilles)
12:55 (15+5) Other plans for Isotopes (U. Koester)
13:15 Lunch
14:15 (15+5) Eurisol_DF (Y. Blumenfeld)
14:35 (10 + 10+ 5) NuSPIN and two new initiatives (S. Lenzi and Verde) ppt1 ppt2
15:00 (10+ 5) ISATES (I. Mardor)
15:15 (10+ 5) Complex Event Analysis using Neural Networks (N. Kalantar)
15:30 (10+10+ 5) Theory (M. Colonna and Teresa Pena) ppt1 ppt2
15:55 (10+10+5) Nuclear astrophysics (La Cognata) + educational initiatives (L. Trache) ppt1 ppt2
16:20 (10+10+5) Active target and GET electronics (T. Marchi, Pollacco) ppt1 ppt2
16:45 (10+5) Hyperfine techniques for applications (Lino da Costa Pereira)
17:00 Coffee break
17:20 (10+5) Detectors for Ion tracking (E. Spiriti)
17:35 (10+5) Particle and gamma detection (D. Napoli+ P. Bednarczyk) ppt1 ppt2
17:50 (10+5) PSeGe: AGATA application (D. Napoli)
18:05 (10+5) NuPIA (Tomasz Krawczyk)
18:20 (30) Discussions and general questions
18:50-19:30 CLOSED SESSION
20:00 Dinner