Aitchison I.J.R. | 91 | Gauge Theories in Particle Physics vol.I | SI |
Aitchison I.J.R. | 92 | Gauge Theories in Particle Physics vol.II | SI |
Ali H.Nayfeh | 156 | Perturbation Methods | SI |
Anisovich A.V. | 157 | Mesons and Baryons | SI |
Atkinson D. | 93 | Quantum Field Theory A Self-Contained vol.2 | SI |
Atkinson D. | 96 | Exercises in Quantum Mechanics | SI |
Atkinson D. | 97 | Exercises in Quantum Field Theory | SI |
Atkinson D. | 100 | Quantum Mechanics a Self-Contained Course | SI |
Baldo M. | 149 | Nuclear Methods and the Nuclear Equation of State | SI |
Ballentine Leslie E. | 187 | Quantum Mechanics | SI |
Barbieri R. | 147 | Lectures on the ElectroWeak Interactions | SI |
Barlow R.J. | 179 | Statistics | SI |
Barone V. | 168 | High-Energy Particle Diffraction | NO |
Benenti G. | 130 | Principles of Quantum Computation and Information | SI |
Berestetskii V.B. | 139 | Quantum Electrodynamics | NO |
Berezinskii V.S. | 103 | Astrophysics of Cosmic Rays | SI |
Birrell N.D. | 109 | Quantum fields in curved space | SI |
Blaschke D. | 106 | Physics of Neutron Star Interiors | SI |
Boehm F. | 61 | Physics of Massive Neutrinos | SI |
Boehm F. | 20 | Physics of Massive Neutrinos | NO |
Boffi S. | 172 | Da Heisenberg a Landau | SI |
Boyd R.W. | 202 | Nonlinear Optics (third edition) | NO |
Branco G.C. | 58 | CP Violation | SI |
Bransden B.H. | 203 | Quantum Mechanics (second Edition) | SI |
Brockwell P.J. | 98 | Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting | SI |
Bronshtein I.N. | 116 | Handbook of Mathematics | SI |
Byron Jr .F.W. | 23 | Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics | SI |
Camenzind M. | 131 | Compact Objects in Astrophysics | SI |
Carmeli M. | 56 | An Introduction Theory of Spinors | SI |
Carmeli M. | 55 | Group Theory and General Relativity | SI |
Carroll S.M. | 87 | Spacetime and Geometry | SI |
Castellani L. | 77 | Supergravity and Superstrings a Geometric Perspective (II) | SI |
Chandrasekhar S. | 122 | The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes | SI |
Cheng T.P. | 15 | Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics | SI |
Cheng Ta-Pei | 73 | Gauge Theory of Elementari Particle Physics | SI |
Chern S.S. | 155 | Lectures on Differential Geometry | SI |
Cheuk-Yin Wong | 28 | Introduction of High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions | SI |
Clifford V. | 68 | D-Branes | SI |
Cohen-Tannoudji C. | 13 | Quantum Mechanics (I vol.) | SI |
Cohen-Tannoudji C. | 14 | Quantum Mechanics (II vol.) | SI |
Coleman S. | 110 | Aspects of Symmetry | NO |
Collins J. | 19 | Renormalization | SI |
Collins J. | 200 | Foundations of Perturbative QCD | NO |
Cornwell J.F. | 59 | Group Theory in Physics | SI |
Cornwell J.F. | 210 | Group Theory In Physics vol. I-II | SI |
Csorgo T. | 153 | Quark Matter 2005 | SI |
D'Emilio E. | 205 | Problemi di Meccanica Quantistica | SI |
Darcy di Nucci | 41 | The Macintosh Bible | SI |
Diels Jean-Claude | 204 | Ultrashort Laser Pulse Phenomena | NO |
Dodelson S. | 119 | Modern Cosmology | SI |
Dokshitzer Yu.L. | 12 | Basics of Perturbative QCD | NO |
Donoghue J.F. | 129 | Dynamics of the Standard Model | SI |
Donoghue J.F. | 3 | Dynamics of the Standard Model | SI |
Doremus R.H. | 101 | Glass Science | SI |
Duffey G.H. | 16 | A Development of Quantum Mechanics | SI |
Edwards H.M. | 121 | Riemann's Zeta Function | SI |
Edwin Taylor F. | 27 | Spacetime Physics | SI |
Ellis R.K. | 39 | QCD and Collider Physics | SI |
Feller W. | 5 | An Introd. to Probability Theory and its Applications (I vol.) | SI |
Feller W. | 6 | An Introd. to Probability Theory and its Applications (II vol.) | SI |
Feynman R.P. | 82 | Feynman Lectures on Gravitation | SI |
Frampton Paul H. | 79 | Gauge Field Theories | SI |
Franklin J. | 196 | Computational Methods for Physics | SI |
Gardiner C.W. | 48 | Handbook of Stochastic Method | SI |
Gattringer C. | 197 | Quantum Chromodynamics on the Lattice | NO |
Georgi H. | 43 | Lie Algebras in Particle Physics | NO |
Gerry C. | 128 | Introductory Quantum Optics | SI |
Gilmore R. | 146 | Lie Groups, Lie Algebras. | SI |
Glendenning N.K. | 83 | Compact Stars | SI |
Glimm J. | 2 | Quantum Physics | SI |
Goldberger M.L. | 188 | Collision Theory | SI |
Gradshteyn I.S. | 50 | Table of Integrals, Series and Products | NO |
Grahm R.L | 127 | Concrete Mathematics | SI |
Greiner W. | 8 | Quantum Mechanics an Introduction | SI |
Greiner W. | 40 | Relativistic Quantum Mechanics wave Equations | NO |
Greiner W. | 133 | Quantum mechanics Symmetries | SI |
Greiner W. | 134 | Field Quantization | NO |
Greiner W. | 135 | Quantum Mechanics Special Chapters | SI |
Greiner W. | 7 | Gauge Theory of Weak Interactions | SI |
Greiner W. | 9 | Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics | SI |
Greiner W. | 11 | Quantum Electrodynamics | SI |
Greiner W. | 10 | Quantum Chromodynamics | SI |
Gribov V.N. | 136 | The Theory of Complex Angular Momenta | SI |
Gribov V.N. | 137 | Quantum Electrodynamics | SI |
Gross F. | 52 | Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Field Theory | NO |
Guidry M. | 88 | Gauge Field Theories An Introduction With Applications | SI |
Haag R. | 17 | Local Quantum Physics Field, Particles, Algebras | NO |
Haensel P. | 185 | Neutron Stars 1 | SI |
Hartle J.B. | 115 | Gravity an Introduction to Einstein's general relativity | SI |
Hobson M.P. | 104 | General Relativity an Introduction | SI |
Hosaka A. | 57 | Quarks, Baryons and Chiral Symmetry | SI |
Huang K. | 195 | Quantum Field Theory | NO |
Hübsch Tristan | 209 | Particle and Field Theory | SI |
Iachello F. | 132 | Lie Algebras and Applications | SI |
Itzykson C. | 4 | Quantum Field Theory | SI |
Jacobs P. | 154 | Hard Probes 2006 | NO |
Kapusta J.I. | 114 | Finite-Temperature Field Theory Principles and Applications | SI |
Kardar M. | 161 | Statistical Physics of Particles | SI |
Kardar M. | 162 | Statistical Physics of Fields | SI |
Katu M. | 22 | Quantum Physics Theory a Modern Introduction | SI |
Kim Y.S. | 44 | Theory and Applications of the Poincaré Group | SI |
Kreyszig E. | 138 | Introductory Functional Analys. with Applicat. | SI |
Landau D.P. | 107 | Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics | SI |
Landau L.D. | 140 | Electrodynamics of Continuous Media | NO |
Landau L.D. | 142 | Statistical Physics | NO |
Landau L.D. | 143 | The Classical Theory of Fields | NO |
Landau L.D. | 144 | Fluid Mechanics | NO |
Landau L.D. | 145 | Quantum Mechanics | NO |
Landau L.D. | 151 | Mechanics Third Edition | NO |
Landau L.D. | 163 | Quantum Mechanics | SI |
Leader E. | 64 | An Introduction to Gauge Theories and Modern .... | SI |
Leader E. | 65 | An introduction to Gauge Theories and Modern... | SI |
Lifshitz E.M. | 141 | Physical Kinetics | SI |
Lim C.S. | 75 | High Energy Physics (vol.I ICHEP 2000) | SI |
Lim C.S. | 76 | High Energy Physics (vol.II ICHEP 2000) | SI |
Lindgren I. | 194 | relativistic Many-body Theory | SI |
Lowell Brown S. | 24 | Quantum Field Theory | NO |
Maggiore M. | 160 | Gravitational Waves | SI |
Maiani L. | 192 | Interazioni Elettrodeboli | SI |
Mandal F. | 1 | Quantum Field Theory | NO |
Massobrio G. | 102 | Semiconductor Device Modeling with Spice | SI |
Mermin N.D. | 173 | Quantum Computer Science | SI |
Merriam-Webster | 211 | Collegiate Dictionary | SI |
Milton Abramowtz | 51 | Handbook of Mathematical Functions | SI |
Milton Abromowitz | 46 | Handbook of Mathematical Functions | SI |
Misner C.W. | 53 | Gravitation | SI |
Mohapatra R.N. | 18 | Unification and Supersymmetry | SI |
Mohapatra R.N. | 124 | Massive Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics | NO |
Montvy I. | 63 | Quantum Fields on a Lattice | SI |
Morse M.P. | 29 | Methods of Theoretical Physics | NO |
Morse P.M. | 30 | Methods of Theoretical Physics II | NO |
Moshinsky M. | 206 | The Harmonic Oscillator in Modern Physics | SI |
Mukhanov V. | 94 | Physical Foundations of Cosmology | SI |
Muller Harald | 207 | Introduction to Quantum Mechanics | SI |
Muta T. | 42 | Foudations of Quantum Cromodynamics | SI |
Nagashima Y. | 181 | Elementary Particle Physics | SI |
Nayfeh Ali H. | 159 | Nonlinear Oscillations | SI |
Nagashima Y. | 201 | Beyond the Standard Model of Element.... | SI |
Ortín T. | 85 | Gravity and Strings | SI |
Paar H.P. | 178 | Advanced Quantum Physics | SI |
Pathria R.K. | 84 | Statistical Mechanics | SI |
Peleg Y. | 189 | Quantum Mechanics | SI |
Perkins D.H. | 38 | Introduction to High Energy Physics | SI |
Peskin M.E. | 71 | Quantum Field Theory | NO |
Peskin M.E. | 33 | An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory | SI |
Pines D. | 89 | The Theory of Quantum Liquids | NO |
Pitaevskii L. | 67 | Bose-Einstein Condensation | SI |
Polchinski J. | 69 | String Theory Vol I | SI |
Polchinski J. | 70 | String Theory Vol II | SI |
Polyanin A. D. | 198 | Handbook of integral equations | SI |
Press W.H. | 49 | Numerical Recipes in Fortran Second Edition | SI |
Preston M.A. | 182 | Structure of the Nucleus | SI |
Rade L. | 120 | Mathematics Handbook | SI |
Raffelt G.G. | 60 | Stars as Laboratories for Fundamental Physics | SI |
Rajaraman R. | 111 | Solitons and Instantons | SI |
Ramond P. | 21 | Field Theory: A Modern Primer | SI |
Ramond P. | 74 | Journeys Beyond the Standard Model | NO |
Reichl L.E. | 170 | A Modern Course in Statistical Physics | SI |
Riazuddin F. | 193 | Quantum Mechanics | SI |
Rovelli C. | 99 | Quantum Gravity | SI |
Rubakov V. | 66 | Classical Theory of Gauge Fields | NO |
Ryder L.H. | 32 | Quantum Field Theory | SI |
Sakurai Jun John | 25 | Meccanica Quantistica Moderna | SI |
Scheck F. | 186 | Electroweak and Strong Interactions | SI |
Scherer S. | 184 | A Primer for Chiral Perturbation Theory | SI |
Schwabl F. | 72 | Quantum Mechanics | SI |
Shankar R. | 183 | Principles of Quantum Mechanics | SI |
Shifman M. | 126 | Instantons in Gauge Theories | SI |
Shiozawa T. | 123 | Classical Relativistic Electrodynamics | SI |
Smit | 62 | Introduction to Quantum Fields on a Lattice | SI |
Srednicki M. | 164 | Quantum Field Theory | NO |
Sterman G. | 34 | Quantum Field Theory | SI |
Strocchi F. | 148 | Symmetry Breaking | SI |
Svelto O. | 117 | Principles of Lasers | SI |
Sundermeyer K. | 199 | Symmetries in Fundamental Physics | SI |
'T Hooft G. | 150 | Under the Spell of the Gauge Principle | SI |
Tang C.L. | 90 | Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics | SI |
Tassoul J.L. | 118 | Theory of Rotating Stars | SI |
Thomas A.W. | 169 | The Structure of the Nucleon | SI |
Trott M. | 158 | The Mathematica GuideBook for Numerics | SI |
Trott M. | 167 | The Mathematica GuideBook for programming | NO |
Trott M. | 165 | The Mathematica Guidebook | NO |
Varshalovic D.A. | 45 | QuantumTheory and Angular Momentum | SI |
Wald R.M. | 81 | Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime | SI |
Walecka J.D. | 152 | General Relativity | SI |
Weber F. | 108 | Pulsars as Astrophysical Laboratories | SI |
Weinberg S. | 35 | The Quantum Theory of Fields 1) | NO |
Weinberg S. | 36 | The Quantum Theory of Fields 2) | NO |
Weinberg S. | 47 | The Quantum Theory of Fields - Vol.III Supersymmetry | NO |
Weinberg S. | 171 | Gravitation and Cosmology | NO |
Weinberg S. | 208 | Cosmology | SI |
Wess J. | 54 | Supersymmetry and Supergravity | SI |
Wolfram S. | 37 | The Mathematica Book | SI |
Wong R. | 105 | Asymptotic Approximations of Integrals | SI |
Yndurain F.J. | 26 | The Theory of Quark and Gluon Interactions | SI |
Zee A. | 80 | Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell | NO |
Zinn-Justin J. | 31 | Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena | NO |
Zinn-Justin J. | 112 | Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics | SI |
Zwiebach B. | 86 | A first Course in String Theory | NO |
Zwiebach B. | 95 | A First Course in String Theory | NO |
78 | Physics Letters B - Review of Particle Physics | SI |