15 June 2009 to 1 June 2025
Europe/Rome timezone

Testi disponibili




Aitchison I.J.R. 91 Gauge Theories in Particle Physics vol.I SI
Aitchison I.J.R.  92 Gauge Theories in Particle Physics vol.II SI
Ali H.Nayfeh  156 Perturbation Methods SI
Anisovich A.V. 157 Mesons and Baryons  SI
Atkinson D. 93 Quantum Field Theory A Self-Contained vol.2 SI
Atkinson D.   96 Exercises in Quantum Mechanics SI
Atkinson D.   97 Exercises in Quantum Field Theory SI
Atkinson D.   100 Quantum Mechanics a Self-Contained Course SI
Baldo M.   149 Nuclear Methods and the Nuclear Equation of State SI
Ballentine Leslie E. 187 Quantum Mechanics SI
Barbieri R. 147 Lectures on the ElectroWeak Interactions SI
Barlow R.J. 179 Statistics SI
Barone V. 168 High-Energy Particle Diffraction NO
Benenti G. 130 Principles of Quantum Computation and Information SI
Berestetskii V.B. 139 Quantum Electrodynamics NO
Berezinskii V.S. 103 Astrophysics of Cosmic Rays SI
Birrell N.D. 109 Quantum fields in curved space SI
Blaschke D. 106 Physics of Neutron Star Interiors SI
Boehm F. 61 Physics of Massive Neutrinos SI
Boehm F. 20 Physics of Massive Neutrinos NO
Boffi S. 172 Da Heisenberg a Landau SI
Boyd R.W. 202 Nonlinear Optics (third edition) NO
Branco G.C. 58 CP Violation SI
Bransden B.H. 203 Quantum Mechanics (second Edition) SI
Brockwell P.J. 98 Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting SI
Bronshtein I.N.  116 Handbook of  Mathematics SI
Byron Jr .F.W.  23 Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics SI
Camenzind M.  131 Compact Objects in Astrophysics SI
Carmeli M. 56  An Introduction Theory of Spinors SI
Carmeli M. 55   Group Theory and General Relativity SI
Carroll S.M. 87 Spacetime and Geometry SI
Castellani L. 77  Supergravity and Superstrings a Geometric Perspective (II) SI
Chandrasekhar S. 122 The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes SI
Cheng T.P. 15 Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics SI
Cheng Ta-Pei 73 Gauge Theory of Elementari Particle Physics SI
Chern S.S. 155 Lectures on Differential Geometry SI
Cheuk-Yin Wong  28 Introduction of High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions SI
Clifford V. 68 D-Branes SI
Cohen-Tannoudji C. 13 Quantum Mechanics (I vol.) SI
Cohen-Tannoudji C. 14 Quantum Mechanics (II vol.) SI
Coleman S. 110 Aspects of Symmetry NO
Collins J.  19 Renormalization SI
Collins J. 200 Foundations of Perturbative QCD NO
Cornwell J.F. 59 Group Theory in Physics SI
Cornwell J.F. 210 Group Theory In Physics vol. I-II SI
Csorgo T. 153 Quark Matter 2005 SI
D'Emilio E. 205 Problemi di Meccanica Quantistica SI
Darcy di Nucci 41 The Macintosh Bible SI
Diels Jean-Claude 204 Ultrashort Laser Pulse Phenomena NO
Dodelson S. 119 Modern Cosmology SI
Dokshitzer Yu.L. 12 Basics of Perturbative QCD NO
Donoghue J.F. 129 Dynamics of the Standard Model SI
Donoghue J.F. 3 Dynamics of the Standard Model SI
Doremus R.H.  101 Glass Science SI
Duffey G.H. 16 A Development of Quantum Mechanics SI
Edwards H.M. 121 Riemann's  Zeta Function SI
Edwin Taylor F. 27 Spacetime Physics SI
Ellis R.K. 39 QCD and Collider Physics SI
Feller W. 5 An Introd. to Probability Theory and its Applications (I vol.) SI
Feller W. 6 An Introd. to Probability Theory and its Applications (II vol.) SI
Feynman R.P. 82 Feynman Lectures on Gravitation SI
Frampton Paul H. 79 Gauge Field Theories SI
Franklin J. 196 Computational Methods for Physics SI
Gardiner C.W.  48 Handbook of Stochastic Method SI
Gattringer C. 197 Quantum Chromodynamics on the Lattice NO
Georgi H. 43 Lie Algebras in Particle Physics NO
Gerry C. 128 Introductory Quantum Optics SI
Gilmore R. 146 Lie Groups, Lie Algebras. SI
Glendenning N.K. 83 Compact Stars SI
Glimm J. 2   Quantum Physics SI
Goldberger M.L. 188 Collision Theory SI
Gradshteyn I.S. 50 Table of Integrals, Series and Products NO
Grahm R.L 127 Concrete Mathematics SI
Greiner W. 8 Quantum Mechanics an Introduction SI
Greiner W. 40 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics wave Equations NO
Greiner W. 133   Quantum mechanics Symmetries SI
Greiner W. 134  Field Quantization NO
Greiner W. 135 Quantum Mechanics Special Chapters SI
Greiner W. 7 Gauge Theory of Weak Interactions SI
Greiner W. 9 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics SI
Greiner W. 11 Quantum Electrodynamics  SI
Greiner W. 10 Quantum Chromodynamics SI
Gribov V.N. 136 The Theory of Complex Angular Momenta SI
Gribov V.N. 137 Quantum Electrodynamics SI
Gross F. 52 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Field Theory NO
Guidry M. 88  Gauge Field Theories An Introduction With Applications SI
Haag R.   17 Local Quantum Physics Field, Particles, Algebras NO
Haensel P. 185 Neutron Stars 1 SI
Hartle J.B. 115  Gravity an Introduction to Einstein's general relativity SI
Hobson M.P.   104 General Relativity an Introduction SI
Hosaka A. 57 Quarks, Baryons and Chiral Symmetry SI
Huang K. 195 Quantum Field Theory NO
Hübsch Tristan 209 Particle and Field Theory SI
Iachello F. 132  Lie Algebras and Applications SI
Itzykson C. 4 Quantum Field Theory  SI
Jacobs P. 154 Hard Probes 2006 NO
Kapusta J.I. 114  Finite-Temperature Field Theory Principles and Applications SI
Kardar M. 161  Statistical Physics of Particles SI
Kardar M. 162 Statistical Physics of Fields SI
Katu M. 22   Quantum Physics Theory a Modern Introduction  SI
Kim Y.S. 44   Theory and Applications of the Poincaré Group  SI
Kreyszig E. 138  Introductory Functional Analys. with Applicat. SI
Landau D.P. 107  Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics SI
Landau L.D. 140  Electrodynamics of Continuous Media NO
Landau L.D. 142 Statistical Physics NO
Landau L.D. 143 The Classical Theory of Fields NO
Landau L.D. 144 Fluid Mechanics NO
Landau L.D. 145 Quantum Mechanics NO
Landau L.D. 151 Mechanics Third Edition NO
Landau L.D. 163 Quantum Mechanics SI
Leader E. 64 An Introduction to Gauge Theories and Modern .... SI
Leader E. 65 An introduction to Gauge Theories and Modern... SI
Lifshitz E.M. 141 Physical Kinetics SI
Lim C.S. 75 High Energy Physics (vol.I ICHEP 2000) SI
Lim C.S. 76   High Energy Physics (vol.II ICHEP 2000) SI
Lindgren I. 194 relativistic Many-body Theory SI
Lowell Brown S. 24 Quantum Field Theory NO
Maggiore M. 160  Gravitational Waves SI
Maiani L. 192 Interazioni Elettrodeboli SI
Mandal F. 1 Quantum Field Theory NO
Massobrio G. 102   Semiconductor Device Modeling with Spice SI
Mermin N.D. 173 Quantum Computer Science SI
Merriam-Webster 211 Collegiate Dictionary SI
Milton Abramowtz 51   Handbook of Mathematical Functions SI
Milton Abromowitz  46  Handbook of Mathematical Functions SI
Misner C.W. 53 Gravitation SI
Mohapatra R.N.  18 Unification and Supersymmetry SI
Mohapatra R.N. 124 Massive Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics NO
Montvy I. 63 Quantum Fields on a Lattice SI
Morse M.P. 29 Methods of Theoretical Physics NO
Morse P.M. 30 Methods of Theoretical Physics II NO
Moshinsky M. 206 The Harmonic Oscillator in Modern Physics SI
Mukhanov V. 94 Physical Foundations of Cosmology SI
Muller Harald 207 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics SI
Muta T. 42 Foudations of Quantum Cromodynamics SI
Nagashima Y. 181 Elementary Particle Physics SI
Nayfeh Ali H. 159 Nonlinear Oscillations SI
Nagashima Y. 201 Beyond the Standard Model of Element.... SI
Ortín T.  85 Gravity and Strings SI
Paar H.P. 178 Advanced Quantum Physics SI
Pathria R.K.  84 Statistical Mechanics SI
Peleg Y. 189 Quantum Mechanics SI
Perkins D.H. 38 Introduction to High Energy Physics SI
Peskin M.E.   71 Quantum Field Theory NO
Peskin M.E. 33 An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory SI
Pines D.  89 The Theory of Quantum Liquids NO
Pitaevskii L.  67 Bose-Einstein Condensation SI
Polchinski J. 69 String Theory Vol I SI
Polchinski J. 70 String Theory Vol II SI
Polyanin A. D. 198 Handbook of integral equations SI
Press W.H.  49 Numerical Recipes in Fortran Second Edition SI
Preston M.A. 182 Structure of the Nucleus SI
Rade L. 120  Mathematics Handbook SI
Raffelt G.G.   60 Stars as Laboratories for Fundamental Physics SI
Rajaraman R.   111 Solitons and Instantons SI
Ramond P. 21 Field Theory: A Modern Primer SI
Ramond P. 74 Journeys Beyond the Standard Model NO
Reichl L.E. 170 A Modern Course in Statistical Physics SI
Riazuddin F. 193 Quantum Mechanics SI
Rovelli C. 99 Quantum Gravity SI
Rubakov V. 66 Classical Theory of Gauge Fields NO
Ryder L.H. 32 Quantum Field Theory SI
Sakurai Jun John  25 Meccanica Quantistica Moderna SI
Scheck F. 186 Electroweak and Strong Interactions SI
Scherer S. 184 A Primer for Chiral Perturbation Theory SI
Schwabl F. 72 Quantum Mechanics SI
Shankar R. 183 Principles of Quantum Mechanics SI
Shifman M. 126 Instantons in Gauge Theories SI
Shiozawa T.  123 Classical Relativistic Electrodynamics SI
Smit 62 Introduction to Quantum Fields on a Lattice SI
Srednicki M.  164 Quantum Field Theory NO
Sterman G.  34 Quantum Field Theory SI
Strocchi F.  148 Symmetry Breaking SI
Svelto O.  117 Principles of Lasers SI
Sundermeyer K. 199 Symmetries in Fundamental Physics SI
'T Hooft G.  150 Under the Spell of the Gauge Principle SI
Tang C.L. 90 Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics SI
Tassoul J.L.  118 Theory of Rotating Stars SI
Thomas A.W. 169 The Structure of the Nucleon SI
Trott M.  158 The Mathematica GuideBook for Numerics SI
Trott M. 167 The Mathematica GuideBook for programming NO
Trott M.  165 The Mathematica Guidebook NO
Varshalovic D.A. 45 QuantumTheory and Angular Momentum  SI
Wald R.M.  81 Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime SI
Walecka J.D.  152 General Relativity SI
Weber F.  108 Pulsars as Astrophysical Laboratories SI
Weinberg S.  35 The Quantum Theory of Fields 1) NO
Weinberg S.  36 The Quantum Theory of Fields 2) NO
Weinberg S.  47 The Quantum Theory of Fields - Vol.III Supersymmetry NO
Weinberg S. 171 Gravitation and Cosmology NO
Weinberg S. 208 Cosmology SI
Wess J.  54 Supersymmetry and Supergravity SI
Wolfram S.  37 The Mathematica Book SI
Wong R.  105 Asymptotic Approximations of Integrals SI
Yndurain F.J.  26 The Theory of Quark and Gluon Interactions SI
Zee A.  80 Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell NO
Zinn-Justin J.  31 Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena NO
Zinn-Justin J.  112 Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics SI
Zwiebach B.  86 A first Course in String Theory NO
Zwiebach B.  95 A First Course in String Theory NO
  78 Physics Letters B - Review of Particle Physics SI