Multimessenger search for HE CR souces
- Mario De Vincenzi (ROMA3)
Multimessenger search for HE CR souces
- Maria Isabel Bernardos (CIEMAT)
Markus Ahlers
(Niels Bohr Institute)
9/5/18, 9:10 AM
The field of neutrino astronomy is undergoing a rapid evolution. After the discovery of a diffuse flux of astrophysical TeV-PeV neutrinos in 2013, the IceCube observatory has recently found first evidence for neutrino emission of blazars that undergo an episode of enhanced electro-magnetic emission. I will summarize these recent neutrino observations, highlight their relations to cosmic rays...
Francesco Verrecchia
(ASI Science Data Center)
9/5/18, 10:10 AM
The gamma-ray satellite AGILE is dedicated to the observation of astrophysical sources of photons in the 30 MeV - 30 GeV energy range. The satellite launched in April 2007 has completed its 11th year of operations, and continues its mission with high efficiency. In this talk, we will review the main AGILE scientific results and the perspectives for the future search of counterparts to...
Pietro Ubertini
9/5/18, 10:40 AM
The INTernational Gamma-ray Astrophysical Observatory is providing outstanding science data to the whole international scientific community since its injection in orbit.
INTEGRAL has been observing the gamma-ray sky since October 2002, discovering 1000+ high-energy
sources, pioneering γ-ray polarization, detecting radioactivity from extragalactic supernovae, and shedding
new light on the...
Harm Schoorlemmer
(Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
9/7/18, 11:30 AM
The High Altitude Water Cherenkov gamma-ray observatory has surveyed on a daily basis the northern sky since its completion more than three years ago. The accumulated exposure provides the deepest TeV gamma-ray observations over a large fraction of the sky. In this contribution we will highlight some of the most recent results on individual sources and the role of the observatory in the global...
Zhen Cao
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
9/7/18, 12:00 PM
LHAASO is planning to enhance its sensitivity at energies around 100 GeV by utilize MCP staffed 20" PMT in the Water Cherekove Detector Array. The effective area for gamma ray detection will reach to 1800 m^2 and differential sensitivity to 0.2 CU at 50 GeV. It will be the very useful survey detection for transient phenomena at 50 GeV in the northern sky. LHAASO will play an important role in...
Carla Distefano
9/7/18, 12:30 PM
KM3NeT is a research infrastructure hosting neutrino telescopes in the Mediterranean Sea. Two detectors with the same technology but different granularity are foreseen: ARCA at a depth of 3500 m offshore Capo Passero, Italy and ORCA at a depth of 2500 m offshore Toulon, France. Both consist of a 3D array of optical sensors modules, equally spaced along flexible vertical lines, the detection...
Joerg Hoerandel
(Radboud University Nijmegen)
9/7/18, 1:00 PM
High-energy cosmic rays impinging on the atmosphere of the Earth induce cascades of secondary particles, the extensive air showers. Many particles in the showers are electrons and positrons. Due to interactions with the magnetic field of the Earth they emit radiation with frequencies of several tens of MHz.
In the last years huge progress has been achieved in this field through strong...