Matteo Merge'
9/5/18, 6:40 PM
The CSES space mission, an international collaboration between China and Italy, aims at monitoring the perturbations originated by electromagnetic emissions in the ionosphere, magnetosphere and in the Van Allen radiation belts, and at investigating possible correlations with seismic events. The Italian collaboration, named LIMADOU, contributed to the mission with the realization of the High...
Vincenzo Vitale
9/5/18, 6:41 PM
The core of the High-Energy Particle Detector (HEPD), on board of the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES), is a segmented calorimeter, which is composed with an upper tower of plastic scintillator counters and a bottom array of LYSO large crystals. Electrons with energy below 100 MeV, protons and light nuclei, below few hundreds of MeV/nucleon are fully contained within this...
Paolo Fermani
9/5/18, 6:42 PM
KM3NeT is a submarine Cherenkov neutrino telescope under construction at two sites in the Mediterranean Sea. The detector at the Italian site, close to the Sicilian coast and named ARCA, will be devoted to the detection of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos, while the detector at the French site, in the Toulon bay and named ORCA, will collect mainly atmospheric neutrinos to study the neutrino...
Luca Carfora
9/5/18, 6:43 PM
The High-Energy Particle Detector (HEPD) is an instrument devoted to the measurement of electron, proton and light nuclei from few MeV up to hundreds MeV. HEPD has been developed by the Italian Limadou collaboration in the framework of the Chinese CSES (China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite) space mission.
The HEPD will give a strong contribution to the CSES mission by measuring the...
Giorgio Cambiè
(University of Rome Tor Vergata)
9/5/18, 6:44 PM
The Mini-EUSO telescope is designed to observe the UV emission of the Earth from the vantage point of the International Space Station in low Earth orbit.
Mini-EUSO will map the earth in the UV range (300 - 400 nm) offering the opportunity to study a variety of atmospheric events such as Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) and meteors, as well as searching for strange quark matter and...
Laura Marcelli
9/5/18, 6:45 PM
The Mini-EUSO instrument is a UV telescope to be placed inside the International Space Station (ISS), looking down on the Earth from a UV-transparent window in the Russian Zvezda module. Mini-EUSO will map the earth in the UV range (300 - 400 nm) with a spatial resolution of 6 - 11 km and a temporal resolution of 2.5μs.
The main Mini-EUSO objectives are the study a variety of atmospheric...
Rui Curado da Silva
9/5/18, 6:46 PM
High-energy astrophysics polarimetry may greatly benefit from e-ASTROGAM (enhanced ASTROGAM) mission proposal legacy, since so far limited polarimetric measurements were performed in this domain, measured by instruments that were not designed or optimized for polarimetry. This space observatory is composed by a Silicon tracker, a calorimeter, and an anticoincidence system, operating in the 0.3...
Angela Zegarelli
(INFN, Roma1)
9/5/18, 6:47 PM
Gamma-Ray Bursts are the most powerful explosions in the Universe. They constitute highly beamed sources of gamma rays and possibly also of high-energy neutrinos and protons. In the fireball model, blobs of plasma, emitted from a central engine, collide within a relativistic jet forming shocks, where particle acceleration is expected to act. However, an open issue is represented by the way in...
Cristina Martellini
(Roma Tre Univ)
9/5/18, 6:48 PM
Observation of supernovae through their neutrino emission is a major fundamental point to understand both supernova dynamics and neutrino physical properties. JUNO is a 20 kton liquid scintillator detector, under construction in Jiangmen, China. The main aim of the experiment is to determine neutrino mass hierarchy by precisely measuring the energy spectrum of reactor electron antineutrinos at...
Giulio Settanta
9/5/18, 6:49 PM
The neutrino oscillation physics can be studied by using atmospheric neutrinos as source. JUNO is a large liquid scintillator detector with low energy threshold and excellent energy resolution. The detector performances allow the atmospheric neutrino oscillation measurements. In this work, a discrimination algorithm for different reaction channels of neutrino-nucleon interactions in the JUNO...