Recent results for HE CR and Gamma
- Aldo Morselli (ROMA2)
Roberto Aloisio
(Gran Sasso Science Institute)
9/5/18, 11:40 AM
We will review the physics of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays, discussing the latest experimental results and theoretical models aiming at explaining the observations in terms of spectra, mass composition and possible sources.
Esteban Roulet
(Centro Atómico Bariloche)
9/5/18, 12:10 PM
The status of the observation of Ultrahigh-Energy cosmic rays by the Pierre Auger Observatory will be reported. The resulting spectrum, composition and anisotropies provide important constraints for the origin of these particles. The recent dipole detection suggest that above the ankle CRs are predominantly of extragalactic origin. Searches of anisotropies on smaller angular scales have been...
Felix Aharonian
9/5/18, 12:40 PM
The identification of major contributors to the locally observed Cosmic Rays would be a decisive step towards the understanding of the origin of Galactic CRs. The gamma-ray observations have revealed two major classes of CR factories in our Galaxy - Supernova Remnants (SNRs) and the Young Stellar Clusters (YSCs). In the context of the available energetics and the acceleration efficiency,...