Particle detectors for hadron physics and applications
Prof.Kai-Thomas Brinkmann(II. Physikalisches Institut, JLU Giessen, Germany)
605 ( di Fisica Univ. di Genova)
605 di Fisica Univ. di Genova
Via Dodecaneso 33
Modern experiments in particle and nuclear physics often rely on detection equipment that is custom designed for optimum performance within a given physics scope. Designed components include everything from detector materials to readout electronics. While many components are commercially available, careful assessment of the physics is required to identify
hardware parts where R&D efforts potentially pay off most in the overall detector performance with respect to the key physics features of an experiment.
Examples for a number of detector setups will be presented where R&D efforts are ongoing or have been applied to upgrades of existing detector arrays in order to meet modern standards for readout, radiation hardness etc.. This involves both charged particle tracking as well as electromagnetic calorimetry, e.g. in the CBELSA/TAPS setup and the PANDA installation at FAIR.
Generic research on novel detectors and spin-offs towards applications will be touched in passing.