stavros katsanevas
(university Paris 7/IN2P3/CNRS)
3/1/18, 9:10 AM
I will review the recently published roadmap of Astroparticle Physics by the AstroParticle Physics European Consortium (APPEC). I will in particular concentrate on the future challenges for European and Global Astroparticle Physics, with a special emphasis on the impact of the discovery of gravitational waves.
Michele Punturo
3/1/18, 9:40 AM
(Toward) the 3rd generation of GW observatories: Einstein Telescope
(APC - Université Paris-Diderot)
3/1/18, 10:10 AM
The excellent results of the LISAPathfinder mission gave the green light for LISA mission. ESA approved the LISA mission as the large mission on the theme "The Gravitational Universe". This future observatory will observe gravitational wave from space between 0.02mHz and 1Hz, opening a new window on the Universe complementary to LIGO/Virgo and Pulsar Timing Array. The expected sources are...