1–2 Mar 2018
Europe/Rome timezone

Thermal noise in complex systems

1 Mar 2018, 14:30
Sala degli Anziani (Palazzo Moroni)

Sala degli Anziani

Palazzo Moroni


Mrs Stefanie Kroker (PTB and TU Braunschweig)


Thermal noise is known to be a crucial limitation for high precision sensing devices like future gravitational wave detectors or lasers with extreme narrow linewidths. Mitigating Brownian thermal noise as an important issue requires the reduction of the mechanical loss of involved materials and/or their deliberate spatial distribution. In this contribution we discuss the influence of mechanical losses and their spatial distribution on thermal noise in complex optical systems. In these systems virtual pressures must be applied on differently oriented parts of the surface. We show how thermal noise of such systems can be described by finite element analysis and semi-analytic approaches.

Primary author

Mrs Stefanie Kroker (PTB and TU Braunschweig)


Carol Bibiana Rojas Hurtado (PTB) Daniel Heinert (FSU Jena) Johannes Dickmann (PTB) Rene Glaser (FSU Jena) Dr Ronny Nawrodt (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena) Prof. Sergey Vyatchanin (Moscow state university, Physics faculty) Walter Dickmann (TU Braunschweig) Yuri Levin (Columbia State University)

Presentation materials