Mar 1 – 2, 2018
Europe/Rome timezone

Formation and evolution of merging black-hole binaries

Mar 2, 2018, 4:40 PM
Sala Paladin (Palazzo Moroni)

Sala Paladin

Palazzo Moroni


Dr Mario Spera (University of Innsbruck)


The first confirmation of the existence of merging stellar-mass black holes (BHs) came on September 14 2015, when the LIGO interferometers observed the gravitational-wave signal from the merger of two BHs with mass larger than 25 Msun (GW150914). Since then, four additional BH mergers were observed, and two of them have BHs with mass larger than 30 Msun. From the theoretical point of view, the models that predict the formation and evolution of binary BHs are still uncertain. In this talk, I will present the BH mass spectrum obtained from up-to-date population-synthesis simulations and I will also discuss the effect of stellar dynamics on the evolution of binary BHs.

Primary author

Dr Mario Spera (University of Innsbruck)


Michela Mapelli (MIB) Nicola Giacobbo (University of Padova)

Presentation materials