1–2 Mar 2018
Europe/Rome timezone
The international GRAvitational-wave Science&technology Symposium (GRASS 2018) was held in Padova (Italy) in 2018. It was organized jointly by the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and Dipartimento di Fisica e Astrofisica of Università di Padova.

    The workshop is aimed at exploring the panorama of gravitational-wave related science beyond the next decade. It focuses on new and existing ideas for future generation detectors, development of key enabling technologies, assessing of data analysis strategies and challenges, and the broader impact that routine, high precision gravitational-wave and multi-messenger observations will have on cosmology, astronomy, astrophysics and other branches of fundamental physics.

    It represents an informal and unique meeting occasion for the different scientific communities looking from distinct point of views onto the future of gravitational-wave related science and technology - instrumentalists, data analysts, astronomers and scientists from other related fields. Participation by researchers involved in any field related to gravitational-waves is welcome; submission of contributions which present current research in the light of its possible impact on the broader panorama of future gravitational-wave science is particularly encouraged.

Here the contributions video