Stellar contribution: WDs, Novae SNeIa, & X-ray burst
- Inmaculata Dominguez (Universidad de Granada)
Stellar contribution: WDs, Novae SNeIa, & X-ray burst
- Jordi Jose (Dept. Fisica, Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya)
Stellar contribution: WDs, Novae SNeIa, & X-ray burst
- Jordi Jose (Dept. Fisica, Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya)
Peter Hoeflich
(University of Florida)
25/06/2018, 10:00
Thermonuclear Supernovae, so called Type Ia SNe, are one of the building blocks of modern cosmology, important of the origin of elements and laboratories for the explosion physics of White Dwarfs stars (WD) in close binary systems. Solving the discrepancy in the Hubble constant Ho between the Microwave background and the empirical SNe~Ia-based methods has direct consequences for the BigBang...
Jordi Jose
(UPC Barcelona)
25/06/2018, 10:30
Classical novae are thermonuclear explosions that take place in the envelopes of accreting white dwarfs in stellar binary systems. The material piles up under degenerate conditions, driving a thermonuclear runaway. The energy released by the suite of nuclear processes operating at the envelope heats the material up to peak temperatures of (100 - 400) MK. During these events, about 10-3 - 10-7...
Christoph Langer
(University of Frankfurt)
25/06/2018, 10:45
Type I X-ray bursts are powerful thermonuclear explosions ignited in the envelope of accreting neutron stars. Fast (p,gamma) and (alpha,p) reactions quickly drive the reaction flow towards the proton dripline before decaying back via slow beta^+ and EC decays.
Since the energy generation is mainly driven by nuclear reactions and decays, type I X-ray burst models still suffer from uncertain...
Umberto Battino
(University of Edinburgh)
25/06/2018, 11:00
The production of the proton-rich isotopes beyond iron that we observe today in the solar system is still uncertain. Thermonuclear supernovae (SNe Ia) exploding within the single-degenerate scenario have been proposed to be a potential source for these isotopes. Recent works studying the p -process production in SNe Ia assume s -process rich pre-explosive seeds, built by neutron captures in...
Devin Connolly
26/06/2018, 12:45
Oxygen-neon (ONe) novae are cataclysmic events resulting from thermonuclear runaway on the surfaces of accreting oxygen-neon white dwarfs in close binary systems, and can reach peak temperatures in the range of T = 0.1 − 0.4 GK [1]. The radioisotope 22Na can be produced and subsequently ejected into the interstellar medium during such events. Sodium-22 β-decays (t1/2 = 2.6 y) primarily to the...
Moshe Friedman
26/06/2018, 14:30
Classical novae and type I X-ray bursts are energetic and common thermonuclear astrophysical explosions. However, our ability to understand these events is limited by the lack of comprehensive nuclear data on proton-rich nuclei. Specifically, constraining the 30P(p,gamma)31S and 15O(alpha,gamma)19Ne reaction rates has been found to be crucial to the understanding of nucleosynthesis and energy...
Anne Meyer
(Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay)
26/06/2018, 14:45
Classical novae outbursts are the third most energetic explosions in the Universe after gamma-ray bursts and supernovae. During this explosive burning, nucleosynthesis takes place and the newly synthesized material is ejected into the interstellar medium. In order to understand these objects, the study of presolar grains and gamma-ray emitters are of speci1c interest since they can give direct...