24–29 giu 2018
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Measurements of Iron Meteorites 60Ni/58Ni by means of MC-ICP-MS: Procedure development and performances characterization at CIRCE Lab

26 giu 2018, 19:00
1O 30m
"E. Fermi" conference room (LNGS)

"E. Fermi" conference room


Via G. Acitelli, 22 - 67100 Assergi (Italy)


Fabio Marzaioli (INFN Napoli)


Isotope fingerprints represents an attractive target for examining the nucleosynthetic origins of Solar System material, relating differentiated and primitive meteorite types, and studying mixing processes in the early solar nebula. Among the others chemical elements, Nickel is a moderately refractory and siderophile element, and also a major component of both iron and silicate meteorites, hence representing an attractive tar- get for cosmochemistry studies [1]. 60Ni isotope variations can therefore potentially be used to date nebula events. Likewise, 60Fe is believed to be synthesised in a high temperature stellar environment and not within the Solar System [2]. The presence of live 60Fe inferred from Ni isotope compositions represents a diagnostic fingerprint of material created in a nearby stellar explosion that was subsequently transported to the nascent solar nebula more than 10 Ma. The initial abundance of 60Fe, relative to other short-lived nuclides, can fill some important gaps placing important constraints on the nucleosynthetic processes responsible for creating these nuclides. In this field of re- search MC-ICP (Multi Collector-Ion Coupled Plasma) mass spectrometry represents the ideal mas spectrometry methodology capable to guarantee: i) the necessary sensitivity (i.e. ε60Ni=.03) to detect small 60Ni enrichments; ii) a low time consuming chemistry (i.e. mostly based upon ion exchange chromatog- raphy); iii) an overall high ionization efficiency onto the isotopic species to be anlysed; iv) a high mass sensitivity allowing for isobar separation and/or correction. This paper presents complete method development (i.e based on [3] and and proce- dure isotope characterization at the MC-ICP-MS Lab of Centre for Isotopic Research on Cultural and Environmetal heritage (CIRCE). A series of treated and untreated refer- ence material (NIST SRM 986) samples were measured together with some terrestrial (USGS) samples already measured in other studies [3] in order to evaluate procedure and machine characteristics. FInally samples from the Chonditres of Brenham e and Mineo.

Autore principale

Fabio Marzaioli (INFN Napoli)


Prof. Antonio D'Onofrio (NA) Dr. Azzurra Zucchini (PG) Dr. Brunella Di Rienzo (NA) Prof. Filippo Terrasi (NA) Prof. Francesco Frondini (PG) Prof. Lucio Gialanella (NA) Dr. Luisa Stellato (NA) Prof. Maurizio Busso (PG) Dr. Maurizio Petrelli (PG) Dr. Mauro Rubino (Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli") Dr. Raffaele Buompane (NA) Dr. Sara Palmerini (PG)

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