Transient Luminous Events and General Topics in Atmospheric Electricity
- Roberto Mussa (TO)
Transient Luminous Events and General Topics in Atmospheric Electricity
- Ashot Chilingarian (Yerevan Physics Institute)
Ashot Chilingaryan
(Yerevan Physics Institute)
26/09/2018, 09:30
The problem of thundercloud electrification is of the most difficult ones in the atmospheric physics. The structure of electric fields in the cloud escapes from the detailed in situ measurements; few balloon flights revealed rather complicated structure that is much more sophisticated than a simple dipole or tripole models. To get insight into the problem of charge structure of thundercloud we...
Rasha Abbasi
(University of Utah)
26/09/2018, 10:00
Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) are bursts of gamma-rays initiated in the Earth's atmosphere. TGFs were serendipitously first observed over twenty years ago by the BATSE gamma ray satellite experiment. Since then, several satellite experiments have shown that TGFs are produced in the upward negative breakdown stage at the start of intracloud lightning discharges. In this talk, we present...
Brian Hare
(University of Groningen)
26/09/2018, 12:00
LOFAR (LOw Frequency ARray) is a radio telescope that consists of a large number of dual-polarized antennas spread over the northern Netherlands and beyond. The LOFAR for Lightning Imaging project (LOFAR-LIM) has successfully used LOFAR to map out lightning in the Netherlands. Since LOFAR covers a large frequency range (10-90 MHz), has antennas spread over a large area, and saves the raw trace...
Arsen Ghalumyan
(A. Alikhanian National Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute), Armenia, 0036, Alikhanian Br. Str. 2)
26/09/2018, 12:30
The upcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) project is expected to
provide unprecedented sensitivity in the low-energy (<~100 GeV) range
for Cherenkov telescopes. In order to fully exploit the potential of
the telescope systems it is meaningful to look for ways to further
improve the available analysis methods and include possible biasness
of the Cherenkov images due to the...