Ivano Lombardo
Accurate studies on $^{13}$C spectroscopy have great impact in the present understanding of the role played by extra-neutrons in stabilizing $\alpha$-cluster structures formed in light nuclei. $^{13}$C excited states are in fact the simplest systems that can be formed by adding a neutron to a triple-$\alpha$ molecular-like structure, and their spectroscopic properties are therefore a unique benchmark for theoretical cluster models aiming at describing light nuclei.
To investigate such aspects, we performed a comprehensive $R$-matrix fit of $\alpha+^{9}$Be elastic and inelastic scattering data in the energy range E$\simeq$ 3.5 – 10 MeV at several angles. To carefully determine the partial decay widths of states above the $\alpha$ decay threshold we included in the fit procedure also $^{9}$Be($\alpha,n_0$)$^{12}$C$_{gs}$ and $^{9}$Be($\alpha,n_1$)$^{12}$C$_{4.44}$ cross section data taken from the literature. This analysis allows to improve the (poorly known) spectroscopy of excited states in $^{13}$C in the E$_x\simeq$12-17 MeV region, and tentatively suggests the presence of a large-deformation negative-parity molecular band.
Selected session
Nuclear structure and dynamics
Primary author
Ivano Lombardo
Daniele Dell'Aquila
(Univ. Napoli Federico II and INFN - Napoli, Italy)
Mariano Vigilante