Viacheslav Samarin
(Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
The probability densities for the ground states of 3H, 3,4,6He, 9Be nuclei were calculated in Refs. [1, 2] by Feynman’s continual integrals method in imaginary (Euclidean) time [3, 4]. The present work is devoted to studying other light nuclei 6,7,9,11Li, 6,10Be using the same approach. For example, the probability density for the 6Li nucleus is shown in Figure. The correctness of calculations was checked by comparison with the results of the expansion in hyperspherical functions (K-harmonics) [5] using new effective method for the solution of the system of hyperradial equations using cubic splines [6].
Figure. The probability density for the 6Li nucleus and the vectors in the Jacobi coordinates; neutrons are denoted as small empty circles, protons and alpha-clusters are denoted as small filled circles and large filled circles, respectively. The only one possible configuration is alpha-cluster + deuteron-cluster.
[1] V.V. Samarin and M.A. Naumenko, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 80, 877 (2017).
[2] M.A. Naumenko and V.V. Samarin, EPJ Web of Conferences 173, 05011 (2018).
[3] R.P. Feynman and A.R. Hibbs, Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, McGraw-Hill, New York (1965).
[4] E.V. Shuryak and O.V. Zhirov, Nucl. Phys. B 242, 393 (1984).
[5] R.I. Dzhibuti and K.V. Shitikova, Metod gipersfericheskikh funktsiy v atomnoyi yadernoy fizike [Method of Hyperspherical Functions in Atomic and Nuclear Physics], Energoatomizdat, Moscow (1993).
[6] V.V. Samarin, Nuclear Theory, 36, 233 (2017), eds. M. Gaidarov, N. Minkov, Heron Press, Sofia.
Selected session
Few body systems
Primary author
Viacheslav Samarin
(Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Mikhail Naumenko
(Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)