The Cryogenic Control System of the CERN Neutrino Platform Detectors, NP02 and NP04.
DrMarco Pezzetti(CERN)
M.B. Ceolin meeting room (INFN-LNL)
M.B. Ceolin meeting room
Understanding the neutrino sector is a worldwide priority promising physics beyond the Standard Model. Neutrino research at particle accelerators is complementary to studies made in cosmology and provides crucial input to knowledge of the universe. The experiments at accelerators will also have the ability to observe neutrinos from supernovae. The CERN Neutrino Platform is CERN's undertaking to foster and contribute to fundamental research in neutrino physics at particle accelerators worldwide. The CERN Neutrino Platform's R&D facility is located in a test-beam hall on CERN's Prévessin site. It will also support state-of-the-art technologies in the fields of cryogenics, magnets and beam lines, as well as integration and assembly techniques.