Arrival at Frascati by public transportations or by car:
Here the indications how to reach LNF by train or by
bus or by car
Arrival at Frascati by taxi:
Special rates can be obtained for taxis reserved by LNF:
Euro 60,00 from Fiumicino Airport to Frascati
Euro 35,00 from Ciampino Airport to Frascati
The prices can be a little bit higher if before 07:00 or after 22:00.
For a reservation, please write a mail to Alessandra with all the infos of the flight (time and number)
and a mobile phone if available
Here the indications how to reach LNF by train or by
bus or by car
Arrival at Frascati by taxi:
Special rates can be obtained for taxis reserved by LNF:
Euro 60,00 from Fiumicino Airport to Frascati
Euro 35,00 from Ciampino Airport to Frascati
The prices can be a little bit higher if before 07:00 or after 22:00.
For a reservation, please write a mail to Alessandra with all the infos of the flight (time and number)
and a mobile phone if available