3–8 Jun 2019
Europe/Rome timezone
WIN2019. The 27th International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos.

Recent BESIII results

4 Jun 2019, 15:23
Giulia Centre (Bari)

Giulia Centre


Oral Flavor and Precision Physics Flavor and Precision Physics


Dr Ravindran Krishnakumar (IIT Madras)


BESIII has collected data sets corresponding to integrated
luminosities of 2.93 fb-1, 3.19 fb-1 and 0.567 fb-1 at center-of-mass
energies of 3.773, 4.178, and 4.6 GeV, respectively. We report the
measurements of the decay constants fD(s)+, the semileptonic form
factors f_P(0), the CKM matrix elements |Vcs(d)|. These results are
important to test the LQCD calculations of fD(s)+ and f_P(0) and the
CKM matrix unitarity. Precision tests of lepton flavor universality
are also made via D(s)+ -> l+v and D0(+) -> K-bar(pi)l+v, decays. The
data set collected at 3.773 GeV contains quantum-correlated D0D0bar
pairs that allow access to the phase differences between amplitudes.
We report the measurements of strong phase differences in D0(-bar)
decays, especially for K_S/Lpi+pi-, which are important to constrain
the gamma/phi3 measurement at LHCb and Belle II. In addition, we
report the measurements of the absolute branching fraction and
amplitude analysis of D+, D0, Ds+ and Lambda_c+

Collaboration name


Primary authors

Rinaldo Baldini Ferroli (LNF) Dr Ravindran Krishnakumar (IIT Madras)

Presentation materials