11–13 Sept 2017
Europe/Rome timezone

Exotic branes and non-geometric fluxes in string theory

13 Sept 2017, 09:30


Fabio Riccioni (ROMA1)


We obtain a complete classification of the half-supersymmetric branes of IIA/IIB string theory compactified on tori based on non-perturbative dualities. Many of these branes are `exotic', in the sense that they do not arise from the dimensional reduction of branes in ten dimensions. We then consider a specific N=1 model in four dimensions with fluxes turned on, and we determine the subset of the space-filling 3-branes of the maximal theory that are not projected out in the model. We point out that all such branes can simultaneously be included to cancel the tadpoles induced by the fluxes, giving in principle many new solutions to the consistency conditions that these fluxes must satisfy.

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