The conference will bring together INFN experts in supersymmetric perturbative and non-perturbative quantum theories for gravity and gauge interactions, supergravity, string theory and their applications to black holes, cosmology and condensed matter systems.
We plan on 16 talks of 40 minutes each, with some additional time for questions. In order to reflect the latest developments, the list of talks will only be finalised in the weeks preceding the meeting.
There is no registration fee. The organization will cover coffee breaks and lunches. Travel and accommodation expenses should be covered by participants. We strongly advise all participants to reserve their hotel accommodation as soon as possible.
A social dinner will be arranged on Tuesday evening, September 12th.
Some of the participants will be supported by the PRIN "Non-perturbative aspects of gauge theories and strings”.
Preliminary list of speakers:
C. Angelantonj (Torino)
S. Benvenuti (Trieste)
A. Bonini (Bologna)
D. Ciupke (Bologna)
N. Cribiori (Padova)
M.L. Frau (Torino)
K. Konishi (Pisa)
N. Makareeya (MIB)
W. Mueck (Napoli)
M. Orselli (Perugia)
S. Penati (MIB)
R. Pourhasan (Firenze)
F. Riccioni (Roma)
A. Sagnotti (SNS Pisa)
R. Volpato (Padova)
Scientific Advisory Board: Giulio Bonelli, Anna Ceresole, Gianluca Grignani
Local Organizing Committee: Marisa Bonini, Luca Griguolo, Domenico Seminara