18–22 lug 2017
Europe/Rome fuso orario


Joint Parallel 3 and 4: Phenomenology and new observables - 3D nucleon and nucleus structure

21 lug 2017, 17:20


Joint Parallel 3 and 4: Phenomenology and new observables - 3D nucleon and nucleus structure

  • Zhongbo Kang (UCLA)
  • Cedric Lorce (Ecole polytechnique, Paris-Saclay U.)
  • Barbara Pasquini (PV)
  • Anna Martin (TS)

Materiali di presentazione

Non sono ancora presenti materiali
Dr. J.H. Lee (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
21/07/17, 18:00
Dr. Alexey Vladimirov (Regensburg University)
21/07/17, 18:20
Daniel GUTIÉRREZ REYES (Complutense University of Madrid)
21/07/17, 18:40
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