2:30 PM
Investigation of the effect of short term gain fluctuations of the SiPM's on the muon precession frequency
Nandita Raha
2:45 PM
Software for the Muon g-2 laser calibration system
Anna Driutti
(Universita' di Udine)
3:00 PM
Data Quality Monitor of the Laser calibration system in the g-2 experiment at Fermilab
Antonio Gioiosa
3:15 PM
Monitoring of the Laser calibration system in the g-2 experiment at Fermilab: daq description, electronics and performance
Octavio Escalante Aguirre
3:30 PM
Pre-production crystals for Mu2e Calorimeter
Raffaella Donghia
3:45 PM
QA of pre-production Mu2e SiPMs
Luca Morescalchi
4:30 PM
MTTF and radiation hardness test for Mu2e SiPMs
Eleonora Diociaiuti
4:45 PM
Simulation and reconstration of the Mu2e calorimeter
Gianantonio Pezzullo
5:00 PM
g-2 Tracker Hardware
Will Turner
(University of Liverpool)
5:15 PM
DAQ and readout for the g-2 Tracker
Rebecca Chislett
5:30 PM
Track fitting and finding for g-2
Joe Price
(University of Liverpool)
5:45 PM
g-2 Track extrapolation for EDM
Saskia Charity
(University of Liverpool)