May 14 – 19, 2017
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Accommodation Information

Hotel Accommodation

The Workshop will take place at the Hotel Hermitage located in La Biodola, Isola d'Elba.

Fully inclusive accommodation fees are as follows:

  Hotel Hermitage  
participant 150 €/day double room
adult companion 120 €/day double room
children under 10 50 €/day same room as parents
children under 2 free same room as parents
single room supplement 50 €/day  

The above fees include full board accommodation in a double room, a supplement of 50,00€ is applied for participants staying in a double room single occupancy.
The accommodation fee will be paid directly to the Hotel Hermitage.
We will email the details of hotel reservation and room assignment to the participants a few days before the workshop.
For people travelling on a tight budget, we can find a cheaper accommodation upon request.

Changes and cancellations

Registered participants will be able to modify their registration through the web site by Sunday, April 16th. For cancellations or changes after that date, please contact the Meeting Organization as soon as possible to avoid hotel charges.
The hotel will apply a penalty of 60,00€ for early departures of in-house guests.