A scheduled program is now available (click here) and frequently updated.
A graphic scheme of the workshop schedule will be found at the 'Timetable' link (to appear to this left). After all abstract will be collected, presentation titles and abstract will be hyperlinked to the timetable, and a pdf abstract book will be available.
A list of invited speaker (alphabetically sorted) and titles is also available [see
speakers list (click here)
A graphic scheme of the workshop schedule will be found at the 'Timetable' link (to appear to this left). After all abstract will be collected, presentation titles and abstract will be hyperlinked to the timetable, and a pdf abstract book will be available.
A list of invited speaker (alphabetically sorted) and titles is also available [see
speakers list (click here)
Ion propulsion
Accelerator industrial application
General topics in plasma and accelerators.