Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
- Vadim Ptitsyn (BNL)
- Edward Stephenson (Indiana University Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter)
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
- Vadim Ptitsyn (BNL)
- Edward Stephenson (Indiana University Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter)
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
- Vadim Ptitsyn (BNL)
- Edward Stephenson (Indiana University Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter)
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
- Edward Stephenson (Indiana University Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter)
- Vadim Ptitsyn (BNL)
Anatoli Zelenski
12/09/2018, 14:30
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
The experience of the absolute H-jet polarimeter operation at RHIC in 2004-2018 Runs at RHIC will be reviewed. The H-jet polarimeter is a windowless internal polarized atomic hydrogen target inserted into the RHIC ring at the intersection point for measurement of the high-energy circulating proton beam polarization via p-p elastic scattering at low momentum transfer in the Coulomb-Nuclear...
Haixin Huang
(Brookhaven National Lab)
12/09/2018, 14:50
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
In polarized proton collision experiments, spin flip is needed to reduce the systematic errors. At high energy colliders with Siberian snakes, a single magnet spin flipper does not work . A more sophisticated spin flipper, constructed of nine-dipole magnets, was used to flip the spin in the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. A 97% spin-flip efficiency was measured at both 24 and 255 GeV....
Nigel Buttimore
(Trinity College Dublin)
12/09/2018, 15:10
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
Seeking the level of polarization of spin-polarized hadrons that have
been accelerated to high energies is a continuing challenge. A
theoretical study of electromagnetic hadronic interference indicates
that scattering of polarized protons and polarized helium-3 ions at
small angles on a suitable target can provide an effective
polarimeter. A more complete understanding of the asymmetry of...
Andrei Poblaguev
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
12/09/2018, 15:30
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
The Polarized Atomic Hydrogen Jet Target polarimeter (HJET) is employed by Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) to measure absolute polarization of the colliding proton beams. In RHIC Runs 2015 (E_beam=100 GeV) and 2017 (E_beam=255 GeV) we accumulated large statistics of about 10^9 events per beam per run for elastic polarized proton scattering on polarized target (HJET) protons for the...
Siegfried Martin
(Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
12/09/2018, 16:40
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
This contribution summarizes the efforts in the frame of the CPEDM consortium to design a prototype EDM (Electric Dipole Moment) storage ring, with predominantly electric bending.
Operated at proton beam energies between 30 and 50 MeV, the main purpose of this ring will be to carry out R&D work related to a final 233 MeV frozen-spin proton EDM ring. After demonstrating satisfactory beam...
Dito Shergelashvili
12/09/2018, 17:00
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
The JEDI (Jรผlich Electric Dipole moment Investigations) collaboration carries out preparations, R&D and a first proof-of-principle measurement for the challenging project to measure permanent electric dipole moments of charged particles using a storage ring. In the long term, the experiments are targeted at the construction of a novel storage ring including a new polarimeter based on inorganic...
Fabian Mรผller
(Forschungszentrum Jรผlich)
12/09/2018, 17:20
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
The JEDI (Jรผlich Electric Dipole moment Investigations) collaboration performs
a set of experiments at the COSY storage ring in Jรผlich, within the R&D phase to search for the Electric Dipole Moments (EDMs) of charged particles. A measurement of proton and deuteron EDMs is a sensitive probe of yet unknown CP violation. An EDM observation would also be an indication for physics beyond the...
Valery Tyukin
(Inst. of Nuclear Phys, University Mainz, Germany)
12/09/2018, 17:40
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
One aim for the new electron accelerator MESA is to measure the weak mixing angle in electron proton scattering to a precision of 0.14\%. The beam polarization significantly contributes to this measurement. The Mรธller polarimeter proposed by V. Luppov and E. Chudakov opens the way to reach a sufficiently accurate determination of polarization. At the moment the polarized atomic hydrogen target...
Ruth Kempf
(Johannes Gutenberg-Universitรคt Mainz, Institut fรผr Kernphysik)
12/09/2018, 18:00
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
The P2-experiment will measure the weak mixing angle with an all-time high precision via electron-proton scattering. The measured physics asymmetry and its uncertainty has to be corrected by the apparative
asymmetry, which is generated by helicity correlated fluctuations of the beam parameters position, angle, intensity and energy. In this talk will be described how the high precision of...
Mikhail Kulikov
13/09/2018, 14:30
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
Conceptual design of the absolute polarimeter APol with an internal polarized atomic hydrogen/deuterium jet target for NICA collider is presented. It is proposed to install the polarimeter into the โwarmโ gap of the collider ring arc. The polarized jet will cross both accelerated beams. The jet target is based on the classical atomic beam source principle. Expected target thickness of the jet...
Vladimir Ladygin
13/09/2018, 14:50
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
The spin program at SPD NICA as well as the experiments at Nuclotron
require high intensity polarized proton and deuteron beams with high value of the polarization.
The upgraded deuteron beam polarimeter at internal target at Nuclotron [1] has been used to obtain the vector and tensor polarization for 6 different spin modes of new polarized source of ions [2]. The values of the beam...
Nikolay Piskunov
(JINR, Dubna)
13/09/2018, 15:10
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
Analyzing powers for polarized neutrons have been measured only for thin hydrogen targets. Cross sections and analyzing powers for np, for both elastic scattering and charge exchange are known up to 29 GeV/c. No data exist for thick analyzers.
During two beam runs in the years 2016 and 2017, the analyzing powers for protons and neutrons scattering on CH2, CH, C and Cu targets were measured...
Michal Dragowski
(University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics)
13/09/2018, 15:30
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
The effects of multiple interactions of electrons passing through matter cannot be calculated analytically, thus simulation tools have to be used to reliably model polarimetric measurements. A new method for simulation of polarized electron interactions, based on the commonly used Geant4 Monte Carlo package, will be presented.
In case of polarized electron beams in the MeV energy range,...
Fanglei Lin
(Jefferson Lab)
13/09/2018, 16:40
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
An Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is proposed as the first lepton-hadron collider in the world with both beams polarized. The nuclear physics program requires high polarizations, long polarization lifetimes, and unique capabilities of polarization control in both collider rings. The electron polarization must be longitudinal at the interaction points in the whole energy range of 3 to 10 GeV while...
Eliana Gianfelice-Wendt
13/09/2018, 17:00
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
A hadron/lepton collider with polarized beams has been under consideration
by the scientific community since some years, in the U.S. and Europe.
Among the various proposals, those by JLAB and BNL with polarized electron
and proton beams are currently under closer study in the U.S.
In the BNL Ring-Ring design electrons are stored at top energy
in a ring to be accommodated in the...
Vadim Ptitsyn
13/09/2018, 17:20
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
Longitudinal polarization of electron beam in the interaction point is an essential requirement for designs of electron-ion colliders developed in BNL and JLab. In electron energy range of these colliders the spin rotators on the basis of interleaved solenoidal and dipole magnets presents a most realistic design choice. But, the rotator insertions have to be spin-matched in order to minimize...
Vahid Ranjbar
13/09/2018, 17:40
Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams
Parallel Sessions
The proposed polarized injector for eRHIC, the rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS) is designed to preserve polarization over the accelerating energy range from 400 MeV to 18 GeV. We present progress on the existing design.