Brad Sawatzky
(Jefferson Lab)
The last several years of Jefferson Lab's 6~GeV physics program saw a
wealth of nucleon spin structure measurements run across several Halls.
In particular, E06-014 (``$d_2^n$") in Hall A (polarized neutron), and
E07-003 (``SANE") in Hall C (polarized proton) took advantage of
significant advances in target design and new/upgraded large solid angle
detector packages to run precision measurements of neutron and proton spin
structure functions (SSFs) over a broad range in $x$ and $Q^2$ during the
6 GeV era. These measurements of $g_1$, $g_2$, spin asymmetries $A_1$
$A_2$ and the associated higher twist reduced matrix element $d_2$ are fundamentally coupled to quark-gluon interactions and transverse momentum of the quarks in the nucleon, and are among the cleanest higher twist observables we can access. Those now-final data on the neutron and proton will be revisited, and upcoming measurements that exploit JLab's 12~GeV upgrade will be presented.
Primary author
Brad Sawatzky
(Jefferson Lab)